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EHRENBERG - continued from page 21                   a very big trend, companies using technology to create
                                                                     branded dynamic space and consistency.
                ments collaborate and blend. So often today we are not
                just working with the corporate real estate group; our cor-  Another major trend is the conversation around the WELL stan-
                porate real estate client is working very closely with their   dard: the green strategy around health, happiness, well-being,
                various teams: supply, finance, HR, marketing and IT.   and productivity. That’s becoming center stage in human-
                We typically will work with a cross-group that is looking at   centered design and digitization, and it should not be separate
                the business’s strategic objectives and how they will use   from the discussion around the IoT or the smart workplace—
                the workplace as a lever. All these different components   it’s coming together as part of the same conversation. That’s a
                around HR, and around branding and marketing, and    big shift. I think the relevance of the healthy productive work-
                around the human-centered design help create a holistic   place and its relation to the company’s CSR related aspects will
                ecosystem; working together to deliver and measure a   be getting a lot of focus and emphasis going forward.
                productive, brand-supporting environment.
                                                                     The third is a focus on what I call ‘cents and cents-abil-
                Which technology trends will we see more of in the    ity’ and cost savings. The whole discussion that Harvard
                corporate real estate space?                         started tells us that not all smart and shared space is good
                I think the biggest trend is people are moving away from   space—what is that tipping point between too much den-
                one-off designs and uses of space to a much more con-  sification? And where is your ROI versus your ROP (Return
                sistently branded and integrated workplace environment   on People)? So many businesses are looking for return on
                across offices, using a digital portfolio strategy. What   investment on the operations and technology side, but this
                we’ve seen in the past is maybe there are one or two sites   idea of ROP is coming more to the fore because attracting
                where they have created an environment to experiment   and retaining and enabling talent is job number one.
                with technologies; now you’re beginning to see more
                consistency around the data and technology approach   Organizations must achieve that balance between using
                to the space. So whether you walk into someone’s office   less space, being very efficient and effective, flexible,
                in Madrid or Chicago or New York or Shanghai, you know   agile—all while keeping the human element intact and
                you’ve walked into that company’s offices—and that is   thriving. It is a tall order and a challenge we love helping
                part of the global design and occupancy strategy. That’s   corporations solve.


         RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd   51                                                           10/4/18   3:00 PM
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