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          5G, Fiber and the Future

          Bill Cune
          SV, Commercial Technology

               ately, there is a lot of hype surrounding 5G wireless and   Everything Connected, Seriously Fast
               the incredible performance it will deliver, enabling untold   Expectations are that 5G will triple the current spectral efficien-
         L numbers of new applications and use cases. According to   cy, delivering speeds of up to 1 Gbps per user, with a 20 Gbps
          one industry study, the digital universe (i.e., bandwidth demand)   peak rate. With the capacity to deliver 10 Mbps per square meter
          will expand by 40% annually into the                                         of traffic density and at least one
          next decade, doubling in size every                                          connection per square meter, 5G
          two years.  Technology forecasters                                           will also be able to handle large
          also predict that upward of 75 billion                                       concentrations of localized users
          devices will be connected to the                                             without impacting speed. It will ac-
          Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020.                                            commodate huge numbers of con-
          While that may seem futuristic, it is re-                                    nected devices and enable 10-year
          ally just around the corner and within                                       battery life on these IoT devices.
          the current IT infrastructure upgrade                                          5G is expected to triple the cur-
          window. In your enterprise, the num-                                         rent spectral efficiency, delivering
          ber of connected users and devices                                           speeds of up to 1 Gbps per user,
          will likely increase exponentially in                                        with a 20 Gbps peak rate.
          the very near future. Some of these   “5G is expected to triple the current
          ‘things’ will need a continuous stream                                       Lower Latency, Higher Reliability
          of 3D, ultra-high-definition video,   spectral efficiency, delivering speeds of   Beyond faster speeds and high
          while many more will need just a few   up to 1 Gbps per user, with a         connection density, 5G also
          improvements here and there. Which        20 Gbps peak rate.”                promises much lower-latency
          begs the question: Will your current                                         connections. With a target of
          network architecture—wired and wireless—be able to handle it?  1 ms latency on the radio interface and the need to support
            The short answer is probably not. Fortunately, industry   500 kph mobility, 5G not only delivers faster download and
          leaders have started working on the next generation of wireless   upload times, but it also means much faster response times. Say
          technology and the wired networks needed to support it. This   goodbye to that delay you currently experience when you hit
          network will be capable of keeping up with the expanding digital   ‘send’ in your email program. Or more critically, say hello to—
          universe and the IoT, where everyone and everything—from our   and feel more comfortable with—autonomous vehicles safely
          devices and our vehicles to our appliances and our clothes—is   zipping around you.
                                                                 5G Is a Family of Technology Solutions
          The “G” in “Giant Leap Forward”                        Beyond a significantly enhanced user experience, 5G promises a
          Obviously, 4G wireless is a great improvement over 3G, but it’s   simplified, elegant wireless solution with multiple technologies
          simply not enough: not enough bandwidth, not enough connec-  working seamlessly together (what we have been calling hetero-
          tions and not enough ‘real time’ features. Today’s networks, tasked   geneous networks). 5G acts as the wireless umbrella over many
          with keeping us connected, are overworked and overcrowded,   technologies, providing a unified, consistent network that all your
          with demand always several steps ahead of capacity. As the num-  smart devices and applications can tap into.
          ber of connected people and devices skyrockets, and as critical   5G brings together multiple waveforms, including LTE and
          real-time applications emerge, these issues will only be com-  WiFi and their respective evolutionary road maps operating on
          pounded. To address the bottlenecks, industry leaders are laying   current and future licensed and unlicensed spectrum up to 100
          the groundwork for the next evolution in wireless: 5G.  GHz. This means LTE and WiFi share the unlicensed 5 GHz band,

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