Page 30 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 30


   Saah: Out of my price range, sir! And what do you get for that? Gold          Jacolow: We’ve incorporated social networking and our Internet
       bathroom fixtures?                                                           presence, which go hand-in-hand, into quite a bit of what we do.
                                                                                    You could have the best project in the world, but if your perspective
   Jacolow: Well, not quite, but the 21st century equivalent. Every unit            clients cannot find you or learn about it success could be tempered.
       is prewired for everything you can imagine: wireless access points,          Once we’ve determined how we want to position an asset we
       lighting and shade controls, electric metering, security and AV. Add to      selectively look at which social media platform makes sense for our
       that all of the Four Seasons unparalleled services and amenities at the      message. The next step is content creation, which then gets delivered
       tip of your fingers, integrated with a mobile app. When you consider         via our website and social media channels wrapped in a strategic
       how the CIO role has changed, technology has become an integral              Internet Search program.
       part of marketing and pre-sales strategy used to wow our prospective
       buyers. We’re transforming 7,000 square feet of commercial office         		 It’s also about creating a sense of community and connecting
       space at 7 World Trade Center into an exciting sales office that             people. For all of its vibrancy, New York can be a cold city where people
       includes a fully furnished replica model apartment, with state of the        often just pass one another even when they live or work in the same
       art home automation. To showcase the TriBeCa experience we’re                building. Social Media has allowed us to break down walls drawing peo-
       installing a 3D projection system that will bring a multi-dimensional        ple and businesses together. Simply put Social Media has empowered
       neighborhood map to life.                                                    people and amplified their voice like never before in our history.

   Saah: How exactly is the 3D environment created?                              Saah: I know Silverstein does a lot of charitable work in the city. How
   Jacolow: It’s very Disneyesque. We’ve partnered with Incredible                  do you promote those and other business activities?

       Machines based here in New York, who have created installations           Jacolow: Giving back to the community is part of our corporate culture,
       for global media events. You have three or four projectors that              supporting organizations like City Harvest, NY Cares Coat and Blood
       overlap and are precisely aligned to create the impression of                Drives. In the old days it was a simple sign in the lobby, now through
       depth and motion. Projecting multi-media content on a curved or              Facebook, Twitter and other social channels we connect with a larger
       textured surface gives the impression you are actually looking at a          audience and help those less fortunate.
       neighborhood building or park come to life. We then partnered with
       EDG and Savant to design a simple user friendly iPad interface, letting   		 We also leverage social platforms to support new retail tenants
       our sales agents call up specific floor plans and views, creating a          with cross promotions, providing discounts to our residents while
       personalized user experience; effectively supporting their sales effort.     helping to increase sales, a true win-win. On the residential side we are
                                                                                    building a community, connecting our residents through events such
   Saah: In the past, we’ve discussed your use of social networking and             as live concerts, barbeques, and utilizing Facebook and Pinterest.
       you’ve spoken at some Realcomm sessions on the topic. I imagine with
       a project like this, there is a strong social networking component.       Saah: How do you integrate the social component with the traditional
28 Realcomm
                                                                                 Jacolow: It’s a comprehensive Internet strategy linking and integrating
                                                                                    social media platforms, websites and search engine results. Tailoring
                                                                                    a mobile user experience is a must. A website should be optimized
                                                                                    for mobile devices, making it easy to view while delivering a call to
                                                                                    action. This facilitates engagement in the moment. When someone is
                                                                                    browsing your site and sees something they like, they should be given
                                                                                    a seamless opportunity in one click to obtain more information, call a
                                                                                    leasing agent or send a contact email. Ultimately, it’s about capturing
                                                                                    your share of the market and leveraging technology to drive revenue
                                                                                    and support our business.

                                                                                 Saah: Sandy, thanks for this view into life in the big city and ways
                                                                                    Silverstein leverages technology to up their game.

                                                                                 Jacolow: My pleasure. It’s truly a fun and exciting time where technol-
                                                                                    ogy is considered an essential multi-faceted partner of the business
                                                                                    and embraced for adding value, no longer viewed as a support/back
                                                                                    office function.
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