
Welcome To Webinars

Realcomm Webinars are designed to provide quality education and instruction on the latest technology solutions for the commercial and corporate real estate marketplace. Our goal is to discuss, debate and explore the landscape of innovative solutions in a manner that is relatable and easy to understand, and to provide our end user community with relevant case studies that they can use as a model for their day to day business.

Thousands of real estate professionals attend Realcomm Webinars every year to learn the benefits of integrating technology into their business. These technology discussions include in-building wireless, energy management, building automation, cybersecurity solutions, automated financial systems, business intelligence, on-line leasing solutions, and more. Realcomm instructors have extensive experience in the real estate industry and are eager to share their knowledge with you.


Thursday, September 12, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
This webinar will explore the meticulous process of identifying data sources in investment management and enterprise system integration.
Thursday, September 26, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
Join this session to learn about mentoring programs and get valuable insights into how to influence a mentoring strategy within your own company.
Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
This webinar will feature start-up companies that Realcomm believes have significant potential to enhance existing business processes, optimize operational systems, streamline integrated data consolidation systems, and much more!
Thursday, October 31, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
Our panelists will explore one of the most watched cybersecurity tabletop exercises Realcomm has presented. They will unpack key elements and takeaways that must be included in your own cyber defense arsenal.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
As workplaces continue to evolve, join our panel of experts, solution providers, and integrators as they explore the very latest offerings in the most efficient workplace environments.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
9:00am PT - 10:30am PT
12:00pm ET - 1:30pm ET
Realcomm leadership, industry executives and vendor tech partners discuss this year's advancements in enterprise systems, third-party tools, cybersecurity, AI-based systems, and other Realcomm and CoRE Tech-related topics from the past 12 months and into the future.


For general information, please contact:

Realcomm Strategic Business Development & Research
Phone: 770.309.0444

Webinar Sponsors

Our thanks to the following solution providers for sponsoring our webinars.

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Realcomm webinars provide an excellent forum for vendors offering solutions to the Commercial and Corporate Real Estate Industry. As experts on the various topics discussed, your knowledge will be highly valued to our vast audience. For those looking for additional exposure, our Sponsorship programs offer a great opportunity to showcase your solutions. If there is a unique opportunity that you do not see listed, please contact us with your ideas.

Download Prospectus (PDF)

If you are interested in further information or to request a login, please contact:

Managing Partner, SVP Business Development
Phone: 919.285.2368
Events Coordinator
Phone: 760.994.9978


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