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Group Sales

This year, more than ever, industry leaders are looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency, make their buildings more secure and to evaluate new business solutions. As technology continues to power our ever changing world, here is your opportunity to keep your team on top of what's happening by attending the industry's leading business solutions, technology and smart buildings conference for over 20 years.

Bring your group of three or more to IBcon and receive a great registration discount for each member.

Give us a call to arrange a special discount for your group.

IBcon is...

Because the topic of technology spans entire organizations, it is imperative that technology and business solutions strategies involve many types of people within a company. To maximize the value of IBcon, an executive should plan to attend with his or her staff. We have found the perfect team to be a combination of representatives from each of the following categories: Executive, Business Development, Professional, Operations, Office Management, Research, Technology and Education.


The executive in charge of leading a CRE organization needs to understand how the commercial market is being impacted by technology. This person needs to be the one to develop the vision and plan and it is critical for them to understand these changes from both a tactical and strategic perspective. If the executive leadership does not own the vision as it relates to technology, the plan will not succeed. Transforming an organization from an analog model to the digital model of the 21st century has to be driven by executive leadership and the road to change begins at IBcon.

Business Development

There is rarely and area in which technology will not be involved in business. In the 21st century, delivery of services will ultimately cross the digital highway. If the professional engaged in the business development aspect of a company is not aware of or using new business techniques, the value of their services will ultimately be challenged.


At the end of the day it will ultimately be the professional of any organization who will embrace the new tools being introduced. Without the buy-in of the professional many automation initiatives have failed in the past. In selecting a professional to attend, we recommend that a representative group be present. Someone who embraces new solutions and someone who might be considered a naysayer. These individuals should be respected within the organization and will ultimately become the inside salesman for any strategic automation project.


This individual is typically chartered with the day to day operations of running a firm. Marketing, Finance, Facilities and Human Resources are just a few of their areas of responsibility. With all the new technology and business solutions now becoming available to address the more effective and efficient delivery of these services, the individual representing this aspect of a firm cannot be absent.

Office Management

At the most micro level of running a firm, these individuals are chartered with the details. If the are not aware of the most state-of-the-art solutions chances are their staff is not running efficiently. Whether it be the utilization of the company's Intranet, choosing telecommunications solutions or getting mailings out the door, new technologies and solutions will certainly be at the center of this individual's daily routine.


Every aspect of commercial real estate marketing is changing the way a firm communicates its capabilities. In order to be effective in the future, marketing professional will need to have a digital strategy to augment traditional solutions. IBcon gathers its solutions from some of the top technology conferences in the industry and will surely provide for competitive insight into the future.


Understanding data and information about commercial real estate is one of the most critical aspects of the transaction. New research solutions as well as data sources never accessible before are changing the way we quantify commercial real estate. IBcon provides easy access to all the leading software analysis tools as well as market data providers. If you want your research team to be on the edge of industry solutions, they cannot afford to miss IBcon.


At the heart of IBcon is infrastructure technology and business solutions for the commercial real estate market. It is obvious that someone with a responsibility in technology should attend this conference. IBcon will provide IT professionals with a cutting edge perspective of technology, automation and innovation. The key is to not to let this person come alone, the information will be overwhelming and it will be difficult to communicate if other executives are not present.


In the future, every organization will be required to reeducate its workforce on a number of different topics. Traditional education will not be replaced but rather augmented by long distance learning solutions. It redefines how you educate and it is imperative that the person responsible for training is aware of the newest digital techniques.

If you are a business leader who has limited time but desires to understand how technology, automation and innovation can improve your business model, you need to attend the most comprehensive conference on the topic - IBcon. Your business requires the support of a broad group of people inside your firm. Why not bring the team to make sure you cover all of the bases!

If you are a technology or automation solution provider, consider locating your user group meeting at IBcon. Your clients and users can benefit from the added value of the IBcon educational programs, exhibits, and special events while participating in your user group meetings. We would be happy to work with you to coordinate your event.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Registration & Group Sales Director
Phone: 760.736.2627