Page 49 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 49

Based on a global survey of 400 CRE
                                                   executives, driving efficiency through automation

                                                      is a key priority, and the use of AI and machine
                                                                learning is approaching a critical mass.

          A Shift in PropTech
          “The combination of new market                       RISE OF DISINTERMEDIATION:
          entrants, new technologies and changing
          demographics have created disruptive                       CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLE
          models within CRE. This is having a                                       Commercial real estate (CRE) firms are
                                                                                     increasingly using transaction-based
          profound impact on portfolio planning and           %                    technology platforms to cut out middle
          decision-making,” said Bob Courteau, CEO,     61                               steps and streamline processes
          Altus Group. “At the same time, this presents   of CRE executives
          new opportunities for organizations who     indicated their firms are
                                                      using or already trying
                                                      out ONLINE LENDING
          rapidly embrace innovation and PropTech to   MARKETPLACES, with
                                                      23% using them in a
          reduce complexity, increase efficiency and   significant way
          drive performance.”                                                            60   %
                                                                                         of CRE executives indicated their firms
          While CRE executives may still be skeptical of                                 are using or already trying out ONLINE
                                                                                         INVESTMENT MARKETPLACES AND
          the impact of some emerging technologies,                                      CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS, with
                                                                                         22% using them in a significant way
          many recognize the changing landscape
          and the need to adapt and invest to remain
          competitive. As a result, CRE firms are                      Source: Altus Group CRE Innovation Report 2019
          no longer simply anticipating that new
          technology will have an impact on their
          industry—they are actively participating in
          this change through direct investment in    HEDGING BETS:
          PropTech. The report indicates 53% of CRE   CRE FIRMS INVESTING
          firms directly investing in at least one type
          of PropTech firm. PropTech companies        IN PROPTECH
          focusing on smart buildings systems, online
          lending marketplaces, and online investment   53
          marketplaces and crowdfunding are the top                       of commercial real estate (CRE)
          investment choices for CRE firms.          firms are directly investing in at least one type
                                                     of PropTech firm
          Other key findings from this year’s report

          •  Nearly one in ten (10%) CRE executives
            “don’t really understand blockchain and what    TOP 3 TYPES OF
            it does,” while 37% of executives expect   PROPTECH COMPANIES   15 %      15 %      12 %
                                                         that CRE firms are investing in:  Smart Building   Online Lending   Online Investment
                                Continued on page 51                        Systems  Marketplaces  Marketplaces and   Source: Altus Group CRE
                                                                                                         Innovation Report 2019
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54