Page 46 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 46

              Secured End-to-End Connectivity for Microcontroller-Powered Devices
                                                ”There are nine billion Microcontroller devices sold each year—
                                                and fewer than 1% of them are connected to the Internet.”
                                                (Microsoft, 2018)

                                                Microcontrollers (MCUs) are pervasive today, appearing in every
                                                part of our computing world. Making these devices interactive
                                                and adaptive via connectivity would enhance their effectiveness
                                                and create better experiences. Azure Sphere is a high-level
                                                application platform with built-in communication and security
              features for internet-connected devices. It comprises a secured, connected, crossover microcontroller
              unit (MCU), a custom high-level Linux-based operating system (OS), and a cloud-based service providing
              continuous security.

              The MCUs enable real-time and application processing capabilities and can be monitored remotely. The
              Azure Sphere Security Service allows the MCUs to safely connect to the cloud and web. [

              Immersive Analytics Platform
                                                In the age of Big Data, companies focused first on determining what
                                                data was needed and implementing processes to gather it; over time,
                                                processes were fine-tuned so that the data was accurate and true.
                                                Then the processes themselves came under scrutiny, to determine
                                                the best match for particular needs. The challenge now is: What is
                                                your data actually doing? What does it say? How can you understand
                                                it if you can’t see it?

                                                BadVR uses virtual reality and machine learning to allow interaction
              with the data: teams can view and manipulate various scenarios in 3-D environments to see information in a
              new way. The technology has significance for multiple business types:

                •  Telecom
                  SeeSignal™ works in conjunction with the Magic Leap AR headset so you can ‘see’ wire-
                  less signal strength in a given space and offers ways to improve coverage in a visually
                  accessible way. The platform has additional features for handling signal measurements
                  at scale. With the advent of 5G, companies can analyze data more effectively with visual
                  and immersive technologies, and telecoms can stop using RF models to determine trans-
                  mitter placement.

                •  Finance
                  Data density is especially prevalent in the financial sector, with massive datasets on
                  multiple screens. Successful data modeling is enhanced in 3D for faster insights, analyzing
                  100x more data in half the time. Faster insight leads to faster action and an advantage over
                  other market players.

                •  Smart Cities & Utilities
                  Networks and infrastructure at city scale can be viewed to enhance services and security.
                  Virtual reality can enable better decisions for everything from emergency response to
                  street congestion to energy efficiency, helping municipal entities work better. []

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