Page 51 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 51

Original Equipment   Integrator     Service        Facility/Property  Support Services
                   Manufacturer (OEM)                  Provider            Staff          (IT, InfoSec, Legal,
                     (Product/Solution)  (Installation)  (Maintenance)  (Property, Management,   Risk/Compliance)
                                                                    Engineering, Security, etc.)
                                                Supply Chain/Sourcing
                                                     (RFPs, POs, Contracts)

                    Embedded Security  Configure Security  Patch & Firmware   RFP/Contract  Partner with Facility Teams
                                                      Management          Standards        & Providers
                   Integrator Standards &
                       Education                   Lifecycle Management  Partnership with Service
                                                                         Provider & IT

          to address industry-wide threats. Aiming at aligning the   Unique aspects of OT building systems and devices
          development, deployment and ongoing support of build-  demand modified approaches to minimizing the risk for
          ing technology solutions with a core set of security prin-  the built environment.
          ciples and standards, the Real Estate Cyber Consortium
          was officially formed in July 2018.                  The IT Security for OT Systems working group takes
                                                               best practices in the real estate industry to provide
          The 13 founding members of the consortium—organi-    guidelines for: traditional IT staff who generally have
          zations that own, operate and/or manage real estate, as   little awareness of OT requirements; building operators,
          well as Realcomm as supporting entity—formed the RECC   who may lack experience with IT lifecycle management;
          Leadership Board, which has since grown to include 19   and industry service and solution providers, whose prod-
          companies. Leadership Board company representatives from   uct and service offerings must be aligned with crucial
          facility management and IT, as well as additional contribut-  cybersecurity requirements.
          ing real estate members join the efforts of the consortium.
                                                               The best practices are grouped into three categories:
          The Leadership Board meets once a month to share insight   •  Technical (device-specific and system-wide)
          on best practices, policies and procedures and discuss the   considerations;
          industry’s adoption of cybersecurity protocols. External   •  Policy and Process management reviews, and
          cybersecurity experts from within and outside the industry   Employee;
          are invited as guest lecturers to provide briefings on secu-  •  Third-Party specific cybersecurity protocols.
          rity related topics relevant to the built environment.
                                                               2.  IT Security Assessment for OT Systems
          Industry Cybersecurity Best Practices and Guidelines  Effectively evaluating IT security in smart building tech-
          Since the formation of the RECC, three working groups have   nology solutions requires a comprehensive assessment
          developed best practices and guidelines that were presented   of vendor practices.
          at the Cybersecurity Forum at Realcomm 2019 in Nashville:
                                                               The IT Security for OT Systems working group identified
          1.  IT Security for OT Systems                       elements of a vendor questionnaire based on industry
          Many IT-focused cybersecurity frameworks don’t work   best practices, covering the following categories:
          for next generation building operational technology.
                                                                                              Continued on page 51

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