Page 44 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 44

SPOTLIGHT: Future Tech




          TINA DANIELSEN                 hey say knowledge is power, but the sheer number of CRE technologies
          Sr. Writer                     that arrive daily can create information paralysis. There are various
          Realcomm                       options for every aspect of the built environment and business case,
                                         some bordering on science fiction. With the rapid influx of new prod-
                                         ucts, today’s organization must maintain a culture of continuous
                             T change and improvement.

                              Determining which technologies offer the best way forward takes time and input
                              from every stakeholder. So, what are the new trends and opportunities? Here’s a
                              short list of some exciting new tech options:

                              XANDAR KARDIAN
                              People Counting Sensor Technology
                                                                As buildings become smarter, tracking occupants for
                                                                location and number of occupants is more common.
                                                                It began as a function to save energy and use sites
                                                                more efficiently, then developed into more robust
                                                                data acquisition for security, safety, and marketing
                                                                efforts. Cameras and/or different types of motion
                                                                sensors are most commonly used because they are
                                                                relatively small and cheap to install. Accuracy,
                                                                however, can be less than desired—for example, a
                              motion sensor cannot detect a person in a room if they are not moving. Cameras too, bring
                              logistical challenges, whether trying to place them in a building with high ceilings or in a
                              place where they are invasive (such as restrooms).

                              Xandar Kardian has developed a radar-based people counting technology that replaces
                              cameras and motion detection with presence detection. Boasting 99% accuracy for
                              presence detection (and 80-99% for people counting), the technology uses micro-vibration
                              patterns emitted from human bodies. It is extremely sensitive—able to detect heartbeat and
                              breathing—yet it is not privacy-invasive. It provides accurate data on space utilization in real
                              time. An extremely low false-alarm rate means human patrols are optimized, and that in
                              emergencies first responders can locate people quickly. An additional advantage is data on
                              dwell time, or how long an occupant stays in a particular area. Knowing where (and when)
                              people choose to spend most of their time enables companies to focus improvements in
                              those areas, leading to greater occupant satisfaction.

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