Page 53 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 53

INNOVATION OPPORTUNITY – Continued from page 47

            blockchain to start having an impact on the CRE industry   positions at owner operator and investor firms in North
            within the next two years                          America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. The
          •  31% of executives stated that smart city initiatives and   survey research was conducted by leading international
            projects are already having a major impact on their   research firm IDC in late fall 2018.
            investment and portfolio decisions
          •  A large majority of firms have already invested in inte-  To see the full report visit:
            grated software solutions for critical CRE functions.   cre-innovation-report-2019
            However, 60% of executives said their firms are still
            utilizing spreadsheets as their primary tool for report-        Jeff Hayward’s enterprise software industry
            ing, 51% for valuation and cash flow analysis and 45%           background includes extensive international
            for budgeting and forecasting, indicating that despite          experience in areas of marketing strategy and
            significant innovation, the industry continues to lag in        corporate communications. Currently as VP,
            certain areas                                                   Global Marketing & Communications of Altus, he
                                                               is focused on developing and executing global marketing strategies to
          The report is based on a global quantitative survey of   drive demand in product and services, increase brand awareness
          C-level and senior executives in both front and back office   and strengthen customer retention.

          RECC – Continued from page 49

          •  Solution Profile; Company Security Practices;     data ownership, breach and vulnerability notifications,
          •  General Security Standards and Personal Identifiable   cybersecurity insurance, stress and penetration testing,
             Information/Data Privacy Security Standards;      and more, as well as business continuity and disaster
          •  On Premise Head End/Servers Appliances;           recovery plans.
          •  On Premise End Point (IoT) Devices and Cloud/SaaS
             solutions;                                        Interested in Getting Involved with the RECC?
          •  Implementation and Data Integrations;             Within the next few months, the RECC plans to involve
          •  Ongoing Support.                                  more companies across the industry supply chain in its
                                                               efforts to raise cybersecurity awareness in the industry
          For each category, a set of questions is provided to   and make buildings and facilities more secure. If your
          assess cybersecurity readiness of a third-party company,   company is interested in joining the consortium, please
          as well as their solution and processes.             contact us at

          3.  Guiding Principles to Improve Vendor             Written documents detailing the working groups’ Best
             Cybersecurity Contract Requirements               Practices and Guidelines are available to all industry
          Beyond negative reputational and financial aftermaths,   stakeholders. (To receive a copy of the latest version of
          the risks associated with data breaches of OT building   RECC Best Practices and Guidelines, please email recc@
          systems include serious impacts to life safety of build-
          ing occupants. With the advancements of technologies
          and the increasing interconnectedness of smart building            As Webinars and Program Manager at Realcomm,
          solutions and devices, ensuring continuous availability,           Sarah Bemporad is responsible for conducting real
          integrity and confidentiality of personal, business and            estate tech webinars and managing the educational
          building operating data must be a top priority when                content for online seminars and conferences.
          entering into third-party vendor contracts. The Vendor             Previously, Sarah managed investor and corporate
          Contract Language working group identified contract   relations at Paramount Group, a fully-integrated REIT headquartered
          element requirements for third-party vendors based on   in New York.
          industry best practices. The developed guidelines cover

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