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agement efficiency, and sustainability. In many cases,   Machine learning: This is AI that enables the most
          customers are amplifying the insight of smart building   sophisticated demand management via intelligent
          analytics with advisory services supported by data scien-  building analytics platforms. In the context of creating
          tists and engineers. These engagements are designed to   a building as an energy asset, machine learning is auto-
          drive ongoing system performance and even direct OPEX   mated process improvement directed by the algorithms
          and CAPEX investment strategies for longer-term busi-  inside intelligent building devices. For example, machine
          ness benefits.                                       learning enables the continuous change in settings and
                                                               operations of major energy loads such as HVAC without
          AI Embedded in the Smart Building as an              the intervention of human analysis. The orchestration of
          Energy Resource                                      control and automation across all energy loads within
                                                               the facility is an important step in creating the intelligent
          Once again, consumer technology trends can signal    building energy asset. Machine learning provides a path-
          opportunity in the commercial market. AI has garnered   way for computer-directed operational improvements that
          the attention of the mainstream media in 2018 with the   enable dynamic and real-time demand management as                 We make connected buildings work.*
          news of record-level sales of dueling darlings, Alexa and   envisioned for buildings as nodes in the Energy Cloud.
          Google Home. There is a lot to be said about their effec-
          tiveness, but the relevance in the AI debate is clear—the   Self-healing buildings: An optimized intelligent building     * Make your workspace work for you. Eaton’s connected lighting systems take the guesswork
          public is accepting virtual assistants at scale. Our will-  would automatically tune systems and operations to reflect     out of managing your facility, seamlessly adapting to patterns and preferences. With solutions
          ingness to welcome these devices into the home and the   weather conditions, energy signals, and tenant needs.             that let you easily manage comfort, productivity and energy savings, it pays to be connected.
          scale of interaction are providing an important feedback   The building itself would understand current and forecast
          loop for the tech industry that will help further refine   weather and any potential energy supply changes, along-
          AI capabilities. For commercial building owners, the   side the preferences of the individual occupants. The oper-
          familiarity simply correlates to deeper expectations for   ations would continually change to maximize comfort and                               The Eaton Difference
          technology-enabled experiences. Machine learning and   reduce costs. Some have characterized this kind of intelli-
          self-healing buildings are two near-term examples of how   gent building as a self-healing building that could forecast
          AI can transform the commercial building experience.  future conditions and even plan accordingly. Operations
                                                               would reflect forecast energy price spikes, equipment                                                                                                       We use a simple,
                                                               maintenance requirements, and useful life planning. There                                                                                                systematic approach to
                                                               are intelligent building solutions available today that run                                                                                              unlock the full potential
                                                               a variety of algorithms to provide this kind of ongoing                                                                                                   of connected lighting.
                                                               system improvement. There are also a growing number                                                                                                        We use connected
                                                               of vendors offering applications that optimize HVAC oper-                                                                                                 lighting to make what
                                                               ations to deliver comfort and reduce cost along the lines             Eaton Power             Lighting           Connectivity            Software            matters work.
                                                               of a self-healing building. AI is positioned to take these              Unparalleled          Advanced          Communications and   Software applications
                                                               approaches to the next level by directing holistic optimi-          knowledge of electrical   LED fixtures        sensing technology
                                                               zation across end uses (in building and external systems)             and management
                                                               in real time, delivering broader impacts such as indoor air
                                                               quality for health, wellness, and productivity.

                                                               It is unlikely that robots will replace building engineers
                                                               and facility managers, but AI can help automate routine
                                                               processes and fuel analytics. There is a future for AI in                 50     %                     20     %                    30     %                     70     %
                                                               the intelligent buildings market to reduce the burden on
                                                               facilities staff and executive decision makers when trans-               Utilization                     Time                      Reduced                      Savings
                                                               lating system diagnostics, prioritized by business needs,                   rate                        saved                       costs
                                                               into action. The next wave of early adopters can see AI
                                                               as a new kind of intelligent building advisor in their digital
                                                               transformation strategy.
                                                                                                                                   Increase utilization rate      Gain up to 20% in          Reduce 30% in HVAC             Save up to 70%
                                                                          Casey Talon is a principal research analyst with          of leased spaces by           lost productivity by      operating costs through         in energy savings
                                                                                                                                                                                            demand driven heating
                                                                                                                                                                  saving time looking
                                                                                                                                   more than 50% using
                                                                          Navigant Research. Prior to joining Navigant,           real time data on how a           for equipment                and cooling
                                                                          Casey worked with both public and private sector             space is used
                                                                          clients as an analyst and consultant at Nexant,
                                                                          IDC Energy Insights, and Camco Clean Energy                                                                                
                                                               focused on energy efficiency, building technologies, sustainability,                                                                            Follow us on social media to get the
                                                               and climate change.                                                                                                                             latest product and support information.

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