Page 53 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 53

Business Solutions




          JOHN PETZE
          Partner and Co-Founder

          LEWIS AND CLARK, the great American explorers of     However, applying analytics to building system data is
          the early 1800s didn’t know what they would find on   very different than other investments, and requires own-
          their journey West across the Louisiana Purchase to the   ers to look at these projects in a new way.
          Pacific, but there was enough belief in the potential value
          that the exploration was funded and undertaken.          Difference 1: The End Result is Unknown
                                                                   Perhaps the biggest difference is that you don’t
          Similarly, embarking on a project that applies data ana-  know the end result at the project proposal phase;
          lytics to facility and                                                              until you acquire
          equipment system                                                                    the data and apply
          data should be viewed                                                               analytics you don’t
          as a process of explo-                                                              know what your data
          ration, very different                                                              can tell you. That’s
          from other invest-                                                                  what analytics does
          ments commonly                                                                      – identify issues,
          made by real estate                                                                 faults, deviations,
          professionals.                                                                      trends and oppor-
                                                                                              tunities for savings,
          We have a tendency                                                                  efficiencies and
          to look at anything                                                                 improved perfor-
          we do in the built                                                                  mance. Accordingly,
          environment as an                                                                   you can’t determine
          engineering project –                                                               what actions you
          something that can be                                                               will take in response,
          pre-defined down to                                                                 and what benefits
          the finest detail, and                                                              will ensue.
          if executed correctly,
          will provide us with a                                                              This reality makes it
          known end result. For example, we design and construct   hard for organizations to evaluate and gain approval
          a building, we design and install an HVAC system, or     using the same project justification and approval
          engineer the details of an equipment upgrade project. All   processes used for other investments. A different
          these things can, and should, be ‘engineered’ in detail.   approach is required.
          We wouldn’t break ground to build a new facility without
          having completed the detailed engineering work to ensure   Difference 2: My Data May be Different than Yours
          success.                                                 Equally important: the highly variable nature of the
                                                                   data facility owners and operators have at their
          It seems logical to apply the same thought process       disposal. Not all building systems have the same
          to pre-design every facet of a data analytics project.   capability to provide data. Some are limited due to

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