Page 46 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 46

Intelligent Buildings




          CASEY TALON                                         beyond the voice of the energy manager. Now, more than
          Principal Research Analyst                          ever, the buildings industry is set to adopt smart building
          Navigant Research                                   technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) is on deck to
                                                              further disrupt the status quo of facilities management
          EARLY ADOPTERS ARE WELL on their way to realizing the   and real estate strategy.
          benefits of digital transformation and the impact of invest-
          ing in smart building technologies on their bottom lines.   The Business Case for Smart Buildings
          They have invested in connectivity and analytics to enable
          data-driven decision-making at the enterprise level. The   For years energy cost savings was the value proposition
          market has been growing for two decades, and now early   for smart building investments. Investment in a BEMS
          adopters are exploring deeper integration and upgrades or   would translate facility operations into business insight
          alternatives to their initial investments.          framed by energy savings as the financial metric for
                                                                                           performance improve-
          At the same time, there                                                          ment. As the market
          is momentum in the                                                               has evolved, technology
          market supported by                                                              providers have recog-
          public awareness of the                                                          nized that for many
          Internet of Things (IoT).                                                        building owners, energy
          Consumer adoption of                                                             cost savings are just
          connected devices—                                                               not enough to move
          smart thermostats,                                                               the industry forward.
          speakers, lights, and                                                            In recent years, many
          security systems—is                                                              vendors have gone so
          setting expectations                                                             far as rebranding and
          for technology-enabled                                                           promoting their solu-
          productivity and conve-                                                          tions as broader smart
          nience. The familiarity is                                                       building analytics as
          creating a new upward                                                            a way of reframing
          pressure on commercial                                                           the conversation with
          building owners to invest                                                        potential customers.
          in smart building technol-
          ogies. There is also a nuance here: expectations on what   Customers can deploy low cost devices to generate,
          the technology delivers has changed. There is a notable   aggregate, and communicate data about how their
          shift from the building energy management system (BEMS)   spaces are used in addition to the equipment operational
          insights of the early days of the smart buildings market to   data of the building management system, or in facilities
          a demand for deeper business insight on the non-energy   without those traditional systems. The result is a more
          benefits of analytics and the IoT.                  comprehensive digital profile of a commercial building
                                                              and higher value outputs from smart building analytics.
          Smart building technologies are now driving operational   Now executive decision makers can understand their
          and experience improvements that speak to the C-suite   facility management in a broader set of financial met-
          in compelling ways to ensure buy-in and commitment   rics—energy costs, space use, comfort, work order man-

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