Page 43 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 43

For many organizations, the move

          •  How do we input all of our lease data into one central-  to reclassify the majority of operating
            ized electronic system to simplify lease management   leases means it will be the first
            and accounting compliance?
          •  What type of technology system should we be assess-  time lease liabilities have shown up
            ing for our portfolio?                             on their financials.

          The road to compliance will inherently be paved with
          numerous challenges. But, if companies have not yet
          started to assess the answers to these questions, they   analytics capabilities. Others might be looking solely for a
          are setting themselves up to endure an even rockier road   lease accounting solution.
                                                               A company’s decision around the overall sophistication of
          SUSTAINING A SMOOTH RIDE: MITIGATING THE             their lease system technology will be driven by the size,
          ROADBLOCKS TO COMPLIANCE                             complexity, and needs of their lease portfolio. Those with
                                                               less than 1,000 leases in their portfolio have more tech-
          Roadblock #1: It’s all about the data                nology system options because they generally have less
          Perhaps the biggest challenge that companies face as   overall information, making it easier for them to input and
          they prepare for the new standards is developing an   manage the data. These organizations might opt for just
          inventory of their lease data. Often times, companies do   a lease accounting solution and decide they do not need
          not know exactly how many leases they have, where the   the end-to-end lease administration system. Those with
          data is located, or if the leases are properly documented;   more than 2,000 leases, however, might be more likely
          and if so, to what extent. Some might have a formal   to invest in a technology that can aggregate all of their
          repository filled with this data, while others may have   disparate data and serve as a centralized lease adminis-
          paper leases piled in desk drawers or information strewn   tration and accounting system.
          across spreadsheets. Others may have a combination
          of both.                                             Roadblock #3: Putting it all together
                                                               Once organizations have a complete inventory of their data
          Under the new regulations, the amount of data compa-  and have congregated it all into one electronic system, the
          nies are required to maintain will increase considerably –   next step is to define the necessary change and data man-
          in some cases, it might be as much as double what they   agement processes that will help them achieve compliance
          currently report on. As a result, companies are obliged   by the new standards’ implementation date. For most
          to go back to their existing contracts and assess the gap   public companies, this date is January 1, 2019. For most
          in what they currently gather versus what they need to   non-public companies, that date is January 1, 2020.
          gather in order to uphold compliance moving forward.
                                                               Businesses need a robust data management strategy
          Roadblock #2: Defining a lease technology strategy   to ensure that they can regularly report on the required
          As difficult as it is for companies to develop an inventory   data, and maintain a compliant reporting structure in the
          for their lease data, this is just one piece of the puzzle.   future. This may require some companies to account
          Once all of the lease data is inventoried, companies still   for a potential lack of internal controls and implement
          face substantial challenges when it comes to defining   organizational changes accordingly. Leadership support
          a future-facing plan of action. It can’t be done on paper   throughout this process is critical to streamlining and
          anymore; companies will need to identify a technology   ensuring success.
          system into which they can import, store, process, and
          access all of this information. While some may already          Jean Chick is a Deloitte Partner in Real Estate and
          have an existing system that holds some lease data, it is       Location Strategy with over 21 years of experience.
          likely not capturing all of the components required in the      She is a leader in real estate technology enable-
          new standards. The existing data may be inconsistent,           ment, portfolio optimization, advanced workplace
          scattered, or partial.                                          strategy and operating model design. She has led a
                                                               global corporate real estate function including all strategy, design,
          Companies first need to decide what type of lease solu-  transaction management, facilities and program management.
          tion they are looking for. Some might be optimally served   Jean navigates complex financial and operational issues while
          by investing in an end-to-end user interface that serves as   balancing change management to maximize return on real estate
          a comprehensive lease administration solution with data   investments.

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