Page 39 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 39

gating the best technology into a platform that helps our
                                                              team win, rather than spending resources on managing
                                                              the basic capabilities. We heard a lot about the move
                                                              toward SaaS and PaaS and Infrastructure as a Service
                                                              and we knew Transwestern was uniquely positioned
                                                              to truly make the move to the cloud and reshape the
                                                              technology of our organization into a dedicated group
                                                              of business analysts who are focused on providing data
                                                              intelligence and streamlined processes to generate value
                                                              directly to the client’s bottom line.

                                                              One of the best financial benefits is that our technology
                                                              spend will become more ratable. We pay subscriptions
                                                              for licensing software and our cost is directly proportion-
                                                              ate to our headcount, which keeps us accountable for
                                                              managing our resources effectively to save money in all
                                                              aspects. With the emergence of the large cloud providers
                                                              (AWS, Azure and others) we are starting to see costs fall
                                                              and service improve and our team’s focus is on connec-
                                                              tivity and value-added technology — not just the basics.
          Transwestern Corporate HQ – Houston, Texas          This will prove, over time, to differentiate Transwestern
                                                              and provide our clients with greater value as a greater
          quickly is that everything about the old way they did   portion of our resources are dedicated to their needs as
          business will likely change. They need to be ultimately   opposed to administrative tasks.
          prepared for the greatest change management chal-
          lenge they’ve ever faced.

          Any company looking to make this commitment should
          plan to take 12-18 months to thoroughly document their
          desired future state before selecting an ERP and begin-
          ning the design process. This is a key to wringing value
          from the investment, knowing what you want to accom-
          plish and designing everything to meet that objective.
          Another important — albeit painful side effect — is some
          people in the organization aren’t always ready for the
          change. Some figure it out and become champions of
          the new processes and find their careers are catapulted
          as they embrace change and help thrust the company
          forward. Others cannot shake the way things used to be
          and feel left behind. This is the most difficult part of the
          change management process and requires close mon-
          itoring by the Human Resources department to ensure
          these scenarios are handled appropriately. Change can
          be exciting and rewarding; the first step is being willing to
          give up the old ways of doing things.

          Saah: This represents a significant shift in mentality
          from build to buy and on-premise to cloud. Can you tell
          us more about your overall cloud strategy?

          Emshousen: With Workday being a SaaS only product,
          it paved the way for us to also move to Dynamics 365
          in the cloud and, at that point, we ultimately realized we
          could significantly benefit from investing more in aggre-

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