Page 32 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
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Intelligent Buildings



                                                              would soon be integrating the whole data value chain and
                                                              moving towards more automation, data-driven decision
                                                              making and artificial intelligence (AI).

                                                              The past three years at IBcon have shown us increasing
          ROB MURCHISON             TOM SHIRCLIFF             numbers of big data and analytics solutions leveraging
          Intelligent Buildings     Intelligent Buildings     many front-of-house data sources, and this has ushered
                                                              in the era of the BIoT. With access to more and more BIoT
          IN 2018, BIG DATA BUSINESS value will become a reality
          for many more building owners. This year will rapidly con-
          tinue a trend of stepping up a level from chasing systems
          and features to focusing on enablement, catalysts, and
          business value.

          This pattern is welcome news and it is high time real
          estate stakeholders stopped getting mired in conver-
          sations about individual systems, algorithms, features,
          and programming and started taking big data business
          actions that scale across a portfolio. This behavior is
          rooted in the basics of IT strategy, but, somehow the
          industry got thrown off in the early stages of smart build-
          ings and went chasing point solutions like the proverbial   data sources, we have begun to see some of the first real
          dog noticing a squirrel every few seconds. Big data is crit-  integrations between BIoT solutions and the back office
          ical to unlocking hidden operational inefficiencies, making   (such as fault detection & diagnostics [FDD] and work order
          better capital deployment decisions, better space utili-  management). In this example, the FDD analytics finds
          zation, optimal price points, better comfort, convenience   a problem and then directly converts it to a work order,
          and overall experience. This is accomplished through a   including insightful contextual information such as location,
          myriad of analytics and analysis that are not possible   frequency, and device. This use-case shows us a preview of
          without the reams of valuable data trapped in our sys-  a what that full real estate technology value chain can look
          tems, devices and computers.                        like and brings to life the vision Realcomm | IBcon has long
                                                              predicted for almost two decades. We have been in the early
          Big data is not a new topic for us in the real estate indus-  phases of this full technology value chain – but are now
          try, but by most accounts, we have been late to the party   poised to make significant progress as an industry.
          for wide-spread adoption. From the earliest days of
          Realcomm, we can recall it was all about the enablement   Three focus areas will enable the industry to move into an
          of the back office, with work order management, asset   advanced stage of big data value creation in 2018:
          management, broader IWMS, paperless transaction tools
          and other software solutions. This movement formed the   (1) Cybersecurity has become the new table stakes
          original foundation of real estate big data, which even-  for all big data and is also growing into a daily facility
          tually led to the conversation about the need to harness   operational requirement. The Cybersecurity chickens
          the billions of big data ‘points’ available from the front of   are coming home to roost in the real estate industry
          the house such as controls systems, sensors, and mobile   after decades of neglect. We have seen examples of
          devices – all of which now comprise the Building Internet   phishing attacks that ransom HVAC controls for bitcoin
          of Things (BIoT). We then glimpsed a vision into how we   in commercial office buildings, hospitals and schools;

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