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energy simulation of building opera- “According to McGraw Hill Construction’s new requirements for BIM submis-
tion during planning and design that Smart Market Report, The Business Value sions by architect/engineer firms,
calibrate energy simulation based on of BIM for Owners1, while building owners construction managers, lessors,
live smart building data; and lifecycle and contractors.
assessment of building materials may not always directly use building In Summary, BIM has become
with respect to impacts on carbon, information modeling (BIM), they are essential to the realization of
energy, water. This data contributes increasingly recognizing its value on the recent aggressive energy
to an understanding of site selection their projects. 40% of U.S. owners expect reduction mandates passed by
impact on carbon footprint of em- that more than 75% of their projects will the Executive and the Legislative
ployees and visitors on a more macro branches of government. Only
level with respect to trip generations involve BIM in just two years.” 1 through using BIM and smart
and avoidance, and the use of public building technologies can public
transportation. real estate owners design and deliver innovative buildings, maxi-
As a champion and early adopter of BIM among public owners, mize energy efficiency, and achieve effective building operations
GSA has worked top-down and bottom-up with a variety of na- throughout the building life cycle.
tional and international government agencies, professional and For additional information visit:
standard-setting organizations,
academic institutions, BIM Charles Matta is an architect and Deputy Associate CIO for
software vendors, and private GSA’s Public Buildings IT Services. Prior to this role he
AEC firms on various BIM- served as Director for Federal Buildings & Modernizations,
related efforts that culminated overseeing a program of 120+ buildings nationwide. He has
in Letters of Intention with served in a lead role on key PBS initiatives including Building
counterparts in eight countries Commissioning and Building Information Modeling (BIM),
in support of Open Standards garnering numerous federal and corporate awards. Charles holds a Master of
for BIM and Smart buildings Architecture degree and is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects for his
technology. GSA’s collaboration industry contributions to the practice of Architecture.
with the National Institute of
Building Sciences 1The Business Value of BIM for Owners
led public owners press/building-owners-expect-to-increase-their-involvement-with-
in the creation and bim.asp
promotion of open Attainable Innovation.
BIM standards;
BIM Guides that
evaluate the Is your facility ready to be a smarter
use of BIM data building? Your InsideIQ partner
for critical tasks will help put your building—
during a build- and you—on the path to
ing’s lifecycle
such as energy the future.
and facility
operations; and
amassing a BIM
toolkit of case studies, BIM champions, and other resources to be
used by BIM professionals everywhere.
GSA has more than 100 buildings that have employed BIM
technology, and is working on investment strategies to turn
all GSA assets into BIM. In 2015, GSA’s Public Buildings Service
(PBS) will announce that it is expanding requirements to include
standardized BIM throughout the entire project and facility life
cycle for all phases of capital projects. The performance-based
PBS-P100 “Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Service” MORE THAN 5700 EMPLOYEES,
(, the BIM Guide series ( and the MEMBERS WORLDWIDE
Division One specification in construction contracts will reflect
Realcomm 35