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to deliver world-class, sustainable, productive environments operating models in the R&D labs of companies like Microsoft
for our colleagues, business partners and customers. We will and Google could find their way into the mass market in the
continue to innovate, wherever possible, by developing new next three to five years. Check out the Microsoft HoloLens site:
solutions and will work closely with our supply chain partners
in all regions where Zurich is responsible for delivering safe,
productive and dynamic work places. Getting to NetZero—Beyond LEED / Beyond High
Performance Buildings. There are a number of industry groups
Top Trends for the Next Three Years involved in developing standards that go beyond LEED and High
Integrated Building Management Systems merging with Performance buildings. The ability to achieve ‘net-zero’ energy
the Internet of Things. The industry has been talking about use in our buildings today is becoming more of a possibility
converged networks for the last ten years. What will be different with all of the recent advancements in renewable energy
in the next three to five years is the speed at which converged use, sustainable materials and advanced sensor networks and
networks will become the normal way of doing business. We still building controls. We will see more of these emerging standards
need to decide what to call buildings that have fully integrated and case studies. A great example is the International Living
BMS systems with many of the devices inside the building— Building Institute (
smart, connected, intelligent, sustainable, high performance
buildings. Whatever we call them, they are becoming the About Zurich Insurance Group
standard way that buildings will be designed in the future. The company is a leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in global
and local markets, providing a wide range of general insurance and life insurance
BIM – Building Information Modeling and 3D Visualization on products and services. Zurich’s customers include individuals, small businesses, and
every project. BIM is the new CAD. Computer Aided Design mid-sized and large companies, including multinational corporations, in more than
used to be a superior value and clients paid a premium for 2D 170 countries. The Zurich and Farmers Insurance real estate portfolio includes
CAD files. Now everyone can experience detailed, 3D computer almost 1,200 properties in 45 countries comprising over 16 million rentable square
models on their laptops, tablets and mobile devices using free or feet of leased and owned real estate assets. The Group is headquartered in Zurich,
low-cost apps. Holographic projections and augmented reality Switzerland, where it was founded in 1872.
being used to visualize and communicate design concepts and
Wireless Solutions
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Phone: (603) 518-9200
Realcomm 19