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Today’s Real Estate Technology Leaders: Harnessing the Power of Technology and Innovation to Bring About Change
innovations to help us better understand technology innova- With these changes, there will no longer be the battle be-
tion and how it can move our organization into the future. It’s tween brick-and-mortar vs. online. The value for Taubman and
basically a product development company comprised of more retailers will lie in the convergence between the two.
than 400 scientists and engineers that we reply upon to create
the roadmap of where wearables, video displays, lighting, parking I also believe the mall landlord and tenant relationship is going
systems, sensors and locationing are going over the next five to change. The landlord will be providing more of the services
years. In understanding these trends, we can better deploy rele- tenants need, and crafting those service offerings in ways they’ve
vant technology and better serve our tenants. never done before. The only thing you can predict is that things
are going to keep changing rapidly. It’s going to be a completely
Last year we also developed an industry-leading mobile app different experience than it is today.
that includes wayfinding via iBeacons. Ease of use was essential,
but it had to be incredibly accurate to enhance the customer With all of these changes, only the business savvy CIO/CTOs will
experience. The application is currently embedded at The Mall at survive. Those focused only on infrastructure, operations and cost
University Town Center in Sarasota, FL, but we’ll continue to roll it savings will fail. On the winning side will be technology executives
out across the portfolio this year. that are able to quickly flex with the rapidly changing technology,
have a seat at the executive leadership table and understand how
Finally, we are seeing the benefit of changes we put in to generate value for their business for the long term.
place three years ago when we decided to replace our core
financial applications with a single JD Edwards suite. Today, About Taubman
we’re tackling additional functionality in the leasing and deal Taubman Centers, Inc. (NYSE: TCO) is an S&P MidCap 400 Real Estate
flow areas to set us up with the single integrated platform Investment Trust engaged in the ownership, management and/or leasing of
for our data. That will allow us to focus on using the data to 22 regional, super-regional and outlet shopping centers in the U.S. and Asia.
offer additional services for our shoppers, information for our Taubman’s U.S.-owned properties are the most productive in the publicly held U.S.
tenants, a collaboration platform for our partners, and data for regional mall industry. Taubman is currently developing four properties in the U.S.
analytics around leasing. and Asia totaling 4.1 million square feet. Taubman, with more than 60 years of
experience in the shopping center industry, is headquartered in Bloomfield Hills,
Plans for 2015 Mich., and Taubman Asia is headquartered in Hong Kong.
In 2015, we’ll finish the JD Edwards implementation, including
Oracle Fusion for lease administration, and we will also install How Are Your Buildings Connected to
an advanced mobile preventative maintenance system for use the Internet, Cloud, and High Demand
by facilities managers. We’ll get the Technology Lab and the Business Applications?
technology council focused on non-traditional technology
projects, such as getting more involved in designing the whole Connectivity Made Simple
digital experience within the malls. We’ll continue to find ways
to make malls more interesting, exciting and engaging, helping Global Capacity enables building owners
tenants be more successful in the marketplace. We’re looking at to solve tenants connectivity challenges.
services we can offer that allow us to leverage our scale in every A connected building enables building owners and
market. management companies to:
Top Trends for the Next Three Years Increase network choice, competitiveness,
I think we will continue to see interesting developments in speed of access, and value for your tenants
omni-channel retailing. According to AT Kearney:
• 90% of all U.S. retail sales happen within brick-and-mortar Gain a competitive advantage over real estate
stores. locations
• Two thirds of U.S. customers purchasing online use a physi-
cal store before and after the transaction. Decrease service turn-up time and simplify the
• Millennials love digital to discover and communicate, but, moving and build-out process for tenants
like seniors, still shop the store to test, try and buy.
Phone: 1-800-457-4831
With brick-and-mortar as the foundation of omni-channel Email:
retailing, I believe you will continue to see online-only retailers
consider and expand to brick-and-mortar stores–a testament to
the importance of the physical space. Great examples of retailers Realcomm
who have already done this are Warby Parker and Bonobos.