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The Vulnerable Intelligent Building:
An Insider’s Approach to Securing Your Smart
Pook-Ping Yao Byron Thom
CEO General Counsel
Optigo Networks Optigo Networks
Cybersecurity (or insecurity) is now a persistent business • Stuxnet worm - This malware searched for and targeted
risk. The events of the past few years have shown that vulnerabilities in specific BAS devices from a well-known
building and facility managers can no longer ignore vendor, in order to (allegedly) sabotage the production of
the fact that smart buildings are plagued with vulnerabilities— enriched uranium in facilities located in Iran. Spread through
sometimes leading to devastating USB flash drives.
consequences. • Insecam website - This Russian web-
site temporarily gained notoriety last
With the advance of Internet of fall, for providing IP addresses and log-
Things (IoT) technologies, this risk is in info for over 73,000 private security
escalating. Intelligent buildings are cameras worldwide. The cameras were
increasingly adding new capabilities both IP addressable and used default
into building infrastructure to improve passwords, allowing anyone with an
efficiency, productivity and building internet connection to monitor the
safety—all at a reduced cost. camera’s feed, allegedly including busi-
nesses and even U.S. military locations.
However, this advancement does Recognizing there is a problem is
not come without risk. ‘Smart’ devices not enough; it takes action to secure a
are often quite stupid when it comes smart building. And that action must
to digital privacy and informational
security. As highlighted in a 2014 study come from both the top and the bottom—from the executives
by HP, 70% of the most common IoT devices contained vulnera- who must prioritize a secure building as an essential corporate
bilities, with an average of 25 vulnerabilities per device. value of the organization, to the facility managers and the IT
teams who need to understand the risks and vulnerabilities in
That risk is magnified when diverse subsystems which have order to implement best practices.
historically operated separately (i.e. HVAC, lighting control, securi-
ty and access control, fire and life safety, etc.) are integrated onto Starting from the top–taking cybersecurity seriously
a common and open IP network. Vulnerabilities from one subsys- In many organizations, network security is often an afterthought.
tem can spill over onto other Building Automation Systems (BAS) This is even more troubling in a smart building, where sensitive
applications, or worse, the corporate IT network. information is often accessible from the same network as the
HVAC controller. In many cases, no thought or planning is put
Given the benefits of this advanced technology, smart building into cybersecurity until after the building system has been de-
operators have little choice but to educate themselves regarding signed or even installed. Or worse, until after a hack has occurred
the associated risks. Networking these previously independent (if it is even discovered).
systems often brings them online and accessible to new levels
of control and analytical processing, but disastrous repercussions But this doesn’t have to be the case. Here are three common
can result if implemented without the appropriate layers of sense steps that every corporation should take to address the
security. cyber threat inside and outside the smart building:
A. Good governance
Case studies on the vulnerable smart building Good security starts with leadership and the recognition that
There are many documented examples of the vulnerability of security is always a people problem, and cannot be solved with
connected buildings. These include: technology alone. A proper governance framework is essential,
along with adequate financial and personnel resources to imple-
• Target hack - Costing the company well over $200 million ment them. Cybersecurity must become a corporate value that
(so far), hackers used stolen credentials of a third-party HVAC
systems company to gain access to Target’s point-of-sale (PoS)
terminals and the financial information of its customers.
22 Realcomm