Page 34 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 34


Using Technology to Automate
Mission-Critical Debt Management

Oren Rosen
Cougar Software

R aising capital and successfully managing debt is one of the                        •	 The potential to become corrupted through transposition errors,
            foundations of any Commercial Real Estate (CRE) company.                    omissions and data re-entry
            Effective debt management can greatly enhance performance
    in good times and mitigate risk in bad times. The majority of CRE                •	 Reliance on key individuals to create and manage these manual
    companies use debt as a financing tool and are painfully aware of the               systems
    tightrope they walk between optimizing their debt positions and falling
    foul of debt covenants. The ability to effectively and efficiently monitor       •	 Inconsistencies between different spreadsheet users—leads to
    covenant statuses, anticipate portfolio cash flows, and manage liquidity            problems in understanding how data is represented and user intent
    positions in a timely manner is becoming increasingly important.
                                                                                     •	 Very difficult to run financial debt models or perform hypothetical
       Almost every day in the financial news, we hear of companies needing             analysis with spreadsheet based tools
    to restructure their debt. Often debt restructuring is required as a result
    of a breach of one or more covenants associated with a loan. Beyond              •	 Version control becomes difficult to follow with different versions
    the imposition of stiffer interest rates and new loan terms, the impact             residing on different workstations; tracking of multiple versions and
    of such breaches may be hugely damaging                                             the most current data is complicated and prone to errors
    to a CRE company. The company may need
    to declare bankruptcy, as was the case for                                       •	 Rollup consolidations of asset types and country locations into a
    many CRE companies during the recent                                                single portfolio is complex and time consuming
    global financial crisis. At the height of the                                                                        Reports, produced manually from
    crisis, property values had fallen by 30%                                                                         multiple sources, are labor intensive,
    or more in some sectors. According to De                                                                          especially if multiple departments or
    Montfort University’s mid-year 2013 UK                                                                            business units are involved. A drilldown
    property lending survey, by the end of 2009                                                                       to greater detail is often impossible. Ad
    £28.3 Billion (approx. $45 Billion) of property                                                                   hoc reporting or reporting at any point
    loans recorded in the UK were in breach of                                                                        other than the traditional month-end, is
    their financial covenants.                                                                                        disruptive to normal debt management
                                                                                                                      operations and places additional strain on
    ISSUES: MANAGING DEBT TODAY                                                                                       personnel.
    Within the CRE world, where a single portfolio may consist of hundreds                                               Determining the state of the required
    of loans, monitoring debt covenants and managing debt positions is                                                debt coverage and service ratios is both
    critical to an organization’s survival.                                                                           labor intensive and time consuming.

       Traditional integrated financial systems do not have the functionality     There is no real ability (or time) to analyze and optimize debt loads
    to manage:                                                                    or accurately project future debt requirements. The actual terms of
                                                                                  each loan and its specific covenant conditions remain buried in the
       •	 the intricacies of individual loan agreements                           details of the physical loan documents. Consequently, the risk of
       •	 the complexities of multi-country differences and idiosyncrasies        covenant breaches expands exponentially with the addition of each
       •	 the mix of different asset types in their CRE portfolios, e.g. office,  new loan.

          industrial, retail, hotels, residential and developments                THE IDEAL SOLUTION
       As a result, CRE companies are forced to turn to other solutions,          Rather than spending inordinate amounts of time on data collation,
    including developing complex spreadsheet solutions, which are not             preparation and manual processes, debt management could be largely
    integrated with the rest of the organization’s financial systems.             automated, structured and streamlined—freeing up resources to focus
       In addition to being orphaned from other corporate systems, these          on value-add opportunities for the business.
    custom spreadsheet solutions have a number of related issues including:
                                                                                     Debt management by CRE companies would include the
32 Realcomm                                                                       implementation of a powerful, flexible, and adaptable automated
                                                                                  solution that would:
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