
Past Webinar

Cybersecurity and Privacy Series: Privacy (Part III)

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Cybercrime (especially ransomware) has increased dramatically in recent years. The commercial real estate industry is as vulnerable as anyone to threats to data and building systems that keep their organizations running. The hybrid workplace presents additional challenges, as IT systems have now expanded to employees’ home internet environments. This series examines the very real cybersecurity threats that exist in the built environment and explores strategies and best practices to combat attacks and minimize the overall risks.

The introduction of new building systems including sensors, cameras, location services and biometric controls bear the potential for hyper-surveillance in buildings. This session introduces best practices for creating privacy policies for the built environment and safe handling of PII on premise.


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headshot for Jim Young
Jim Young Realcomm
Jim Young Co-Founder & CEO Founder of Realcomm Conference Group, an education organization that produces Realcomm, IBcon and CoRE Tech, the world's leading conferences on techno
headshot for Jim Young
Jim Young
Co-Founder & CEO

Founder of Realcomm Conference Group, an education organization that produces Realcomm, IBcon and CoRE Tech, the world's leading conferences on technology, automated business solutions, intelligent buildings and energy efficiency for the commercial and corporate real estate industry. As CEO, Jim interacts with the largest companies globally pertaining to some of the most advanced and progressive next generation real estate projects under development.

headshot for Farooz Alikhan
Farooz Alikhan DivCore
Farooz Alikhan Managing Director Technology Farooz Alikhan is Managing Director Technology of DivcCore and is responsible for all IT resources and initiatives. With his more than 17 years of ex
headshot for Farooz Alikhan
Farooz Alikhan
Managing Director Technology

Farooz Alikhan is Managing Director Technology of DivcCore and is responsible for all IT resources and initiatives. With his more than 17 years of experience, he helps define and execute the IT strategy in line with the overall business strategy.

headshot for Aaron Altscher
Aaron Altscher Carr
Aaron Altscher VP, IT Aaron Altscher is the Director of Technology Initiatives at Carr Properties. Aaron leads IT innovation efforts and is the architect and developer for
headshot for Aaron Altscher
Aaron Altscher

Aaron Altscher is the Director of Technology Initiatives at Carr Properties. Aaron leads IT innovation efforts and is the architect and developer for Carr’s Data Analytics, IoT, Machine Learning/AI, and Hospitality platforms. Aaron’s 2022 focus is on IT innovation around data automation and the return to work movement.

headshot for Sean Nealon
Sean Nealon Brookfield Properties
Sean Nealon VP, Cyber & Info Security Sean Nealon is the Information Security leader for Brookfield Properties Group. In this role, he has created an information security program from the
headshot for Sean Nealon
Sean Nealon
VP, Cyber & Info Security
Brookfield Properties

Sean Nealon is the Information Security leader for Brookfield Properties Group. In this role, he has created an information security program from the ground up and established a risk management strategy for their more than 70 companies across all real estate verticals including protecting a vast amount of IoT devices across the various portfolios.

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