
Past Webinar

Improving ESG Performance: Building Energy Management on the Path to Net Zero

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The achievement of a balanced economic, social and environmental development is recognized as one of the major challenges the building industry is facing today. What is less clear is how building owners and developers can seize the opportunities offered by zero-emissions mandates and disruptive energy technologies to generate business opportunities and value for their stakeholders. In this series, industry leaders illustrate ideas and examples on how to use smart building technologies to achieve energy savings and realize the value creation potential from ESG.
Onsite energy production, automation platforms, PoE applications, LED lighting and other emerging technologies have the potential to dramatically decrease energy consumption of buildings. This session introduces different energy management technologies and provides recommendations on navigating the solution landscape.


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headshot for Pete Scarpelli
Pete Scarpelli Global Sustainable Future
Pete Scarpelli Managing Partner
headshot for Pete Scarpelli
Pete Scarpelli
Managing Partner
Global Sustainable Future

headshot for David Palin
David Palin Mirvac
David Palin Sustainability Manager David is the Sustainability Manager for Mirvac’s $9 billion investment portfolio. He leads a team of in-house sustainability professionals who are res
headshot for David Palin
David Palin
Sustainability Manager

David is the Sustainability Manager for Mirvac’s $9 billion investment portfolio. He leads a team of in-house sustainability professionals who are responsible for the delivery of Mirvac’s This Changes Everything sustainability strategy across the Office, Industrial and Retail portfolios.

headshot for Kyle Shipp
Kyle Shipp DPR Construction
Kyle Shipp Smart Buildings Leader
headshot for Kyle Shipp
Kyle Shipp
Smart Buildings Leader
DPR Construction

Webinar Sponsors

Our thanks to the following solution providers for sponsoring this webinar.


Clockworks Analytics sponsor logo
Schneider Electric sponsor logo
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