Technology Solutions Marketplace


HALO Networks

4521 Leavenworth St
Omaha, NE, 68106
United States LinkedIn Twitter

About HALO Networks

HALO Networks is the industry leader in DAS, wireless infrastructure and next generation in-building and outdoor mobile wireless systems, delivering the industry’s most powerful technologies that enable LTE, 5G, and CBRS services. We offer 5G DAS networks, Private 5G, full turnkey DAS infrastructure and solutions including funding options to all REITs, Developers and Owners. HALO has multiple funding options including fully funded Neutral Host, DaaS and Enterprise funded.
Categorization: Building Automation - In-Building Wireless
Business Solutions - Consulting
Business Solutions - Network Infrastructure
Consulting Services - Strategic Technology Planning
Consulting Services - System Integration
Consulting Services - Telecommunications
Corporate Real Estate - Mobility Solutions
Telecom / Wireless - Building Networks
Telecom / Wireless - In-Building Wireless
Telecom / Wireless - Rooftop Leasing
Telecom / Wireless - Telecom / Wireless
Target Market: Owner
Corporate Real Estate
Geographic Market: National
Client Sampling: Boston Properties
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Tom Gotuzzo
SVP National Accounts