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Program Details

IBcon's education program will feature domain experts from around the globe presenting case studies and speaking on the topics of building automation systems and controls, building system integration and the implications for organizational alignment, skills development and change management necessary to facilitate the intelligent integration of key business processes into the high performance building ecosystem. We're continuously adding sessions and speakers, so check back regularly!

Program content, dates and times subject to change without notice.

By Track  |  June 12  |  June 13  |  June 14  |  June 15  |  All Days  |  (Click here for PRE-CON or TOUR details)

IBcon: Smart Building | IoT


The Gateway to an Enhanced Occupant Experience: Focus on Access Control and Lobby Technologies
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
Replacing physical access cards with mobile credentials is finally ready for primetime. Apple’s opening of its Wallet and the NFC (near field communications) protocol for access control now provides the foundation for the required reliability and performance at high volume turnstiles. When combined and integrated with tenant experience and workplace apps and property technologies, the current and potential use cases enable greater convenience for occupants, visitors and talent. This enlightening session examines the latest technologies and discusses case studies on how to implement and navigate the tech.

OT Network Strategy and Configuration Workshop
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Sorrento
For optimum operational efficiency and increased asset value, one must start with the foundation. A common network infrastructure that is fully connected to include all systems is still just a dream for many struggling with disparate, vendor-specific, legacy systems and equipment. Strategists must also determine how to integrate evolving telecommunications requirements with different coverage options. Often, they even have to educate vendors on how their systems will perform on one converged network. This session will assess the challenges in achieving a comprehensive base building network and pinpoint how to leverage current innovations.

IoT in Smart Buildings: Making Sense of Sensor Technology
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Pisa
Smart buildings today rely on data from various sensors to maximize operational potential and provide a safe, healthy environment. Data is collected measuring occupancy, lighting, IAQ, temperature, proximity, energy, water, safety equipment and much more. Sensors and IoT devices help to establish baseline equipment performance for predictive maintenance and contribute to all areas of service and management. More recently, edge devices not only gather data, but also process it to reduce latency for real-time, scalable decision-making capability. The proliferation of sensors can be dizzying. This session will demystify sensor technologies and examine benefits and potential liabilities.

Managing and Securing IoT Devices on the OT Network
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
As greater numbers of devices are connected to operational technology (OT) networks, the challenge of securing and managing them increases exponentially. Few IoT devices now are designed with cybersecurity in mind and are fraught with vulnerabilities, making them ripe targets for hackers and broadening the potential attack surface for many commercial real estate organizations. In this session, we will discuss IoT device management and the importance of having a device security strategy that includes device performance qualification, automated device discovery, network segmentation, secure password practices, patches and firmware updates, and continuous monitoring.

IBcon: Smart Building Foundation


Smart Facilities Skillset Planning Workshop
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 1:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
Faced with a global IT and engineering workforce shortage, many real estate organizations have been struggling with employee retention, staffing or skills training. This workshop will provide detailed instructions on applying smart facilities workforce best practices to your organization. The facilitated session will introduce a framework that will allow you to assess your existing workforce so you are aware of skill gaps and needs within your organization, determine work capacity requirements to enable you to execute current work requirements, and augment and staff your team to the correct level for optimal operational readiness so that you can support future work requirements.

Test for Success: De-Risking Smart Building Tech Deployments
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
Many non-tech teams deploy technology with absolute faith that it will solve some pain that they experience in their working day, and often are sold a solution without a very clear understanding of the problem. This leads to cyber risk, increased complexity, lack of measurable results, wasted effort, higher costs and often, failed implementations. So how do you define the use cases, create testing practices that facilitate success and ultimately measure the value of the investment? This panel will discuss the pitfalls of an unstructured approach and highlight the importance of time spent to evaluate and understand the use case to ensure maximized returns.

The Modern Building Operating System (BOS) Stack: OT Software and Hardware Rationalization
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
Once the basic communications layer in a building is established, it's time to address plans for the BAS and IoT platform. Does the data reside in local closed environments? Is it sent to the cloud? Can it be shared or integrated into other applications? Should it be a single stack or part of an open, integrated point solution ecosystem? Who owns the data? Is it cyber secure? Can we safely and securely affect command and control? As we plan the next generation of smart, connected, high-performance buildings, the capability and type of BOS becomes even more critical. This comprehensive session addresses all relevant issues on the topic.

IBcon: Smart Building Case Study


All About the Results: Sensor Data vs. Outcomes
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Pisa
Sensors have become omnipresent in the marketplace and we can now affordably get data points on just about anything including air quality, smoke detection, water leaks, space utilization, visitor count, light levels, temperature, humidity, and more. But what do you do with all that data and who makes decisions from that data? The marketplace is now asking the same questions and more directly looking for outcomes. For example, if you are reducing office space you don’t want just occupancy data of your current space, you want to know exactly how much space you need and what the mix of space type should be. This panel will discuss the technology available today and how occupiers can get outcomes and not just data.

Navigating a Modern Digital Building Strategy: QuadReal’s Evolving Approach Raises the Bar
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Pisa
Technology is continuously improving and evolving – promising to "change everything" with every iteration. To stay relevant, digital strategies must embrace fluidity while maintaining steadfast conviction to outcomes that prove value. This is easier said than done when markets are crashing, start-ups are failing, technology doesn’t work as sold, and organizations invested in the status-quo are waiting to say "I told you so." Despite the continuous challenges with reconciling traditional real estate and technology (especially in challenging markets), QuadReal is leading by example, expanding the focus of their digital strategy. Previously featured at Realcomm, learn from QuadReal’s ongoing story: ways their strategy has evolved, lessons learned, how they’re driving resiliency, significant savings, revenue opportunities, and raising their product above the status quo market.

The Disrupted Journey to a Smarter Building
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm    Location: Pisa
Technology is impacting every sector of the commercial real estate industry, bringing disruption to many, if not most, of the existing behaviors we’ve integrated into our business processes. To further complicate matters, these disruptions are accelerating at an increasing rate and threaten to be outside most organization’s ability to consume them. It’s definitely no longer “business as usual.” In this session, we will take a step back to look at the journey so far, dive into what needs disrupting and why, peel away the hype from reality, and dive into the fundamentals that make up the DNA of a smarter building.

IBcon: Smart Building Data


An Independent Data Layer Strategy: What Does Independent Really Mean?
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
The Independent Data Layer (IDL) organizes and standardizes data across devices and functions. Integrating all information in the independent data layer provides building managers with a single source of truth for systems data and analytics across the portfolio. This session will discuss many options for incorporating an IDL, best practices for connecting building technology to the IDL and ways to consider connecting the IDL to advanced data analytics and visualization platforms. By integrating modeling and simulation with a traditional IDL, building owners have the tools to assess a building’s performance against the design intent for new building or its performance potential for existing buildings. An integrated IDL answers the question, “Did I get what I paid for?”

Ensuring Complete and Accurate Building Data at Scale
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
Building owners' vision for an improved future around sustainability, efficiency, productivity, occupant wellbeing, and cybersecurity rely directly on trusted data from the digital building space. As decisions become increasingly contingent on systems' up time and data accuracy, it is critical to acknowledge and identify the multiple potential points of failure throughout the end-to-end building data flow for device telemetry. In this session, we will focus on the standardized vocabulary that Google uses for describing data quality issues and validation points throughout the BOS platform. The goal, short of automatically addressing some issues, is for end users interacting with the data to self-sufficiently identify potential data issues and apprise the appropriate team for remediation.

Open Source to Cloud: Fast, Cheap and Secure Access to Smart Building Data
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
As we transition to blend operational technology with information technology for our commercial real estate portfolios, we need to make sure that we’re aware of opportunities to embrace and apply alternate approaches to the smart building technology stack by looking outside of the traditional industry supply chain. With a vast array of open-source products like IBM’s NodeRED, InfluxDB, Grafana and Github, along with a global community of developers, this panel session will discuss the pros and cons of going open beyond just the protocol uncovering a real-world example of fast, cheap and secure access to data.

Digital Twins: A Comprehensive Data Strategy for High Performance, Sustainable Buildings
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
Digital twins are a digital representation of a physical building with a data overlay providing real-time data on building performance. These complex models ingest thousands of data points on a unified platform to offer visualization and integrated analysis. Planning for digital twins at the concept and design stage of the build process allows for simulations that can assess different scenarios, saving time and construction cost. Throughout the lifecycle, a building’s performance can be measured and modeled against other similar structures, but also against its own potential – for continual commissioning, process improvement and financial optimization. This instructive session will explore the digital twin’s part in overall smart building strategy and share leading-edge case studies.

The New Age of “Open”: Paving the Road for Smart Building Data Interoperability
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
As digital buildings become more widespread, open data standards have arisen in an effort to establish a common framework to improve data quality, and streamline data access for efficiency, flexibility and interoperability. While in the late 1990s and early 2000s much of the Building Automation System industry has coalesced around BACnet, progress towards an open data model for buildings has been more convoluted. But with the rise in popularity of Brick Schema, Project Haystack, RealEstateCore and ASHRAE 223P, the industry now has a solid foundation of open-source semantic models on which to build. Join us for the FIRST EVER live panel bringing together all the major building data standards to discuss how they will underpin future growth in the industry!

Data-as-a-Service: Benefits of Outsourcing Information Services in the Built Environment
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Verona
Identifying, accessing, exchanging, and making use of high quality, reliable data has never been more important within the smart building environment. However, significant differences in how data is identified and made ready for the different stakeholders who use it continues to present a challenge. Achieving a common dataset for all users enables better business decisions, reduces errors and helps ensure the overall integrity and governance of the data. This process is intricate and labor-intensive and has given rise to an expanding data-as-a-service market. Outsourcing data management frees up time to concentrate on the core business of operating and managing a building, automates efficiencies and reduces overhead costs. This session will explore data-as-a-service and its place in an overall data strategy and data management plan.

IBcon: In-Building Wireless


5G, DAS / CBRS Deployments in Commercial Real Estate: Is the Technology Living Up to Expectations?
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Trevi
5G technology is designed for forward capability and supporting future communication needs that seem to be increasing exponentially. As of today, 5G and private networks promise to enhance mobile broadband, mission-critical communications and support the ever-expanding IoT, thus significantly improving network performance inside buildings. But how does it play into your in-building wireless strategy and how do DAS and CBRS fit into the picture? The panel will address some of the most critical questions surrounding 5G DAS and CBRS, highlighting their impact on the building environment and the potential for your portfolios. Technology reviews, timing, financial considerations, owner investments, carrier involvement and more will be covered in this important session.

Making Sense of the Wireless Communication Infrastructure: The Role of WiFi
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Trevi
Advancements in wireless technology have fundamentally changed the way individuals and societies communicate and engage. While WiFi has been around for 15 years, WiFi 6, the most recent iteration of the WiFi network protocol, promises to be faster and more secure. As owners and developers develop or improve their communications infrastructure, managed WiFi solutions that enable organizations to outsource tasks involved in designing, procuring, installing, maintaining, monitoring and/or upgrading a WiFi network need to be assessed. This session will highlight the benefits of managed WiFi solutions, touch on other communication protocols (such as LoRaWan, NFC and BLE), and address how it can integrate into a comprehensive infrastructure for voice, data and IoT.

Realcomm | IBcon: Energy / Carbon Management


Case Study: Mitigating the Financial Risk of Highly Sustainable Developments
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Palermo
A decarbonized built environment requires digital transformation, up and down the value chain, to enable the most efficient and cost-effective design, construction and accessibility to data possible. This panel will demonstrate the benefits of aligning mission-oriented capital to project with clear performance goals, risk adjusted, using tools like physics-based modeling and simulation, off-site construction, mass timber and a master plan for data collection and use. To achieve a building’s optimum decarbonization potential without accepting lop-sided financial or performance risk requires teams aligned to a common mission. Hear from our panel of experts, representing the entire value chain, on their decarbonization journey.

Carbon Accounting, Reporting and Recommendation Engine Platforms: What’s in Your Toolbox?
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
More real estate organizations have recently committed to decarbonization efforts and the demand for greenhouse gas accounting is rapidly growing. Access to accurate, real-time and historical energy and emissions data is essential for reporting, disclosure and audits, as well as the identification of emission reduction opportunities. Oftentimes, that data is unreliable, stranded in silos, kept in spreadsheets and inconsistent. Dedicated carbon accounting software promises to facilitate the process by streamlining data capture, producing comprehensive reports and managing KPIs. This session will assess technologies that assist real estate companies with relevant data capture, storage and analysis to propel emission goals.

Low-Voltage Buildings: The Holy Grail?
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Pisa
PoE and digital electricity allow a single twisted pair Ethernet cable to carry both data and electrical power. And with a single low voltage cable, you can power lighting, control it and harvest data on usage. Plus, you can also use it to coordinate with other building systems like HVAC, access control, security, window shades, and more. Although AC is currently the standard, several PoE and digital electricity building projects have proven that a low voltage DC infrastructure is less expensive, easier to install and significantly reduces energy consumption while providing a backbone for your smart building networks. This instructive session will examine the possibilities of delivering PoE and highlight the best performing case studies.

The Journey Towards Net Zero: Strategies and Best Practices for Existing Buildings
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:45 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
Propelled by new regulatory requirements and increased investor scrutiny, net zero carbon and energy objectives have been elevated to top-of-mind for many commercial real estate organizations. Net zero goals in the built environment cannot be achieved without technologies that dramatically decrease the energy consumption and embodied carbon emissions of a building. While exceptional building design in new constructions can result in low energy needs, net zero objectives are attainable for existing buildings as well. This session will assess strategies that include next-generation onsite energy production, hyper-efficient building automation, low voltage applications, and other emerging technologies on the journey towards net zero.

A Modern Data Architecture for Real-Time Energy Management
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Sorrento
A modern data and analytics infrastructure is critical for building owners and operators to optimize operations, minimize energy use, reduce their carbon footprint and meet tenants' dynamic needs while complying with an ever-changing regulatory environment. In this session, we will hear from NYSERDA's Real-Time Energy Management Program and the technology innovators using artificial intelligence for automating building systems and energy demand with real-time occupancy data, and the property owners, Rudin and Cadillac Fairview, who have implemented these solutions. Discussion points will include grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) as a resource for the grid (and as a resiliency measure for buildings), messaging protocols, case studies and more.

Realcomm | IBcon: Health / Wellness


Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ): Perspectives from the Front Lines
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
The pandemic accelerated the conversation on healthy buildings and got the industry focused on Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). Creating healthy workplaces was suddenly a top concern, not only because of virus transmission, but also as studies proved the negative effects of common indoor pollutants. The new IEQ technologies can significantly improve indoor environments, benefit health and wellness and also positively impact productivity for those workers returning to the office. With advances in sensors, monitoring solutions, analytics and a new generation of standards, IEQ technology has come a long way. In this enlightening session, we’ll explore the role of IoT in Smart Building IEQ technologies and how to use them to drive better holistic outcomes for both owners and occupants.

A Data-Driven Approach for Managing Indoor Air Quality: Lessons Learned from K-6 School Programs
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Pisa
The pandemic triggered owners and operators to increase situational awareness. Now our playbooks for return-to-work and school emphasize Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Why? Because peer-reviewed research concludes that air direction and airflow patterns play a key role to prevent cross-infection between occupants. They also have cognitive effects on adults and children, such as decreased absenteeism in K-6 students and improved mental clarity, engagement, test scores, and well-being. Advances in IoT sensors, real-time and predictive analytics, and intelligent building management systems enable meaningful KPI monitoring. This results in higher-confidence decision-making for Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). This interactive session will highlight lessons learned from implementations in elementary schools in North America during and post-pandemic.

Realcomm | IBcon: Future of Work


Destination Office: Supercharging the Workplace
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
Many companies are looking to expand employee in-office presence to activate engagement, improve connection and increase compliance with their return-to-office strategy. Harnessing the power of data can shape employee experience, measure performance, and supercharge the workplace. By orchestrating an ecosystem of policy, behavioral nudges and data-driven insights, it is possible for organizations to achieve ambitions in fostering a fulfilling employee experience where the office is a desirable destination. It begins with implementing feedback mechanisms to track and inform collective decisioning. This session will explore how strategy and technology can empower leaders to influence employee behavior and measure the impact of their policies against workplace performance.

Focusing on Workplace: Digital Platforms to Streamline and Enhance Experience
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
Engaging and frictionless experiences for employees are more important than ever and technology plays an essential role in creating meaningful experiences that encourage employees to come to the office. Workplace experience technologies include sensors that enable responsive environments; platforms and apps that enhance onsite and offsite engagement; a solid data architecture that processes real-time intelligence; and network and telecommunication infrastructures that empower occupants to access information from anywhere. This session will assess the most innovative and creative approaches to creating enriching digital occupant experiences and present best practices for evaluating and implementing portfolio-wide workplace experience technologies.

Three Years Post Pandemic: How is Big Tech Addressing Occupancy and Utilization Data?
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
The pandemic fundamentally changed this industry: variable show-up rates and evolving employee preferences introduced a level of unpredictability not before seen in commercial real estate. In response to this, utilization data that was once a nice-to-have, has become business critical to real estate planning. But, along with solving for it, new challenges have also come up. In this session we’ll explore: how do the Metas, Salesforces, and Googles of this world address measuring, analyzing and actualizing utilization data, at scale. Why is this such a complex issue? What have we learned over the past few years? What are some of the common practices and strategies across all three companies?

Ensuring Collaboration Equity: Best Practices for the Modern Hybrid Work Landscape
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Palermo
Despite many advantages of hybrid workplaces, such as increased access to remote talent, hybrid models also have the potential to reveal and exacerbate inequity in the workplace. As many professionals are no longer commuting into the office five days a week, technology plays a central role in keeping employees connected and creating a company culture that supports both in-office and mobile workers. This valuable session will address creating an equitable, enjoyable and valuable collaborative experience for both in-office and remote employees and meeting participants. Innovating solutions to creating collaboration opportunities and equity in hybrid environments will be showcased.

Realcomm | IBcon: Talent | Future Workforce


Opportunities in Times of Change: Meeting the Technology Needs of a Distributed Workforce
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
As new models of work emerge, more companies are embracing the benefits of a distributed workforce with employees working from locations outside a traditional, centralized workplace. The makeup of a distributed workforce can vary greatly – employees may work remotely permanently or only occasionally, attend meetings in person or live many time zones (or even country borders) away from the central office. Distributed workforces need to be connected in real time and be able to access corporate resources and tools necessary for successfully completing their tasks. This session reviews modern workplace technologies and agile business systems for managing a distributed workforce.

Acquisition, Retention and Development: Creating a Talent Strategy for Smart Building Professionals
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
Many real estate organizations are still focused on technology projects and digital transformation to address post pandemic changes in workforce and workplace strategies. OT talent, however, remains in short supply, despite recent layoff announcements by some tech giants. To mitigate smart building technology talent shortages in the real estate sector, IT leaders must rethink traditional talent management approaches and look beyond the narrow band of candidates typically considered. This workshop will introduce a proactive and multi-faceted approach to talent management and recruitment in the industry. Attendees will work in small groups to identify best practices and key values of a holistic talent management strategy.

Realcomm | IBcon: Innovation


View from the Top: Industry Tech Giants Speak on the State of the Industry
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
For almost two years, the world has been sent into a tailspin because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of lives lost, businesses shuttered, economies battered and life as we know it disrupted in ways never imagined. The built environment has been front and center of this storm. With daily life postponed, buildings all over the world have been in some cases left totally empty. The industry’s leading solution providers have been at ground zero, talking to clients, assessing the impact and reacting with new ideas to try and navigate these difficult times. Senior executives from Yardi, MRI, Altus, REMLogics and VTS come together and share their experiences, insights and prognostications on how the buildings will emerge from this historic pandemic.

Integrating New Tech Tools into the Business Environment: How to Ensure Adoption
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
New technologies, software applications and the attendant processes are the essence of digital transformation, and post-implementation success often hinges on users fully learning and adopted it the new processes and workflows. Many organizations struggle with change at-scale because of human habits and resistance to cultural shifts. How do successful organizations manage this roadmap of introducing new technology and driving adoption? Ideas include facilitating strategy that is firmly connected to the organizational mission and is consistent in both process and feedback. This session will present discussions on cultural change management, the steps that help people manage change, and how to achieve ongoing engagement so that tech tools are optimized.

Inside Commercial Real Estate Innovation Labs: Where Future Building Technologies Come to Life
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
How can a commercial real estate organization effectively calibrate the potential impact on their organizations when investing in new and emerging technologies? A number of companies are now experimenting and gaining insights and performance measures on specific technologies by creating innovation labs that simulate actual working conditions. Innovation labs can provide a test environment for exploring transformative tools via hands-on interaction with developing technologies such as connected devices, autonomous vehicles, metaverse technologies, AI tools, and drones. This valuable session will present some of the most successful examples of innovation labs in our industry and discuss their creation and utilization for driving better outcomes for technology projects and investments.

Realcomm | IBcon: RealTalk


Real Discussions: Leadership in a Rapidly Changing Environment
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
CIOs live and breathe technology but must take a wide view devising strategy today. Effective technology platforms are just the start – because it’s the people using the tech that actually solve problems. CRE firms are facing a number of challenging headwinds, i.e. the COVID aftermath; cost containment due to supply chain issues, inflation and a looming recession; return to office; and managing a dispersed workforce. This session will open the dialogue on such questions as: What practices attract and keep top talent? How do we impart company culture and meaning when many employees have never been to the office? What is the definition of employee experience and interaction in 2023? How do we implement an effective DEIB initiative to build next-gen leadership? How can tech, data and other tools help?

Does Diversity Drive Innovation? Or Is It the Other Way Around?
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
The chicken or the egg? Either innovative solutions and approaches break down barriers and promote D&I, or diverse perspectives and experiences are key for generating new ideas and better business outcomes. In this session, we will delve into this topic from a variety of perspectives within our industry, including the impact of diverse teams on innovation and the role of inclusive leadership. Learn from industry and PropTech leaders, as well as investors, as they discuss the business case for D&I, new ways for attracting and retaining talent, and their successes and lessons learned.

Pushing Technology Forward: Younger Thought Leaders Weigh In
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
How do students studying technology and engineering end up in leadership positions in the commercial real estate industry? Many of the most creative and passionate young professionals in our industry never considered commercial real estate as a career path. This session will showcase some of the younger leaders in the built environment who are driving innovation. Currently responsible for large technology projects, they are eager to better the industry through new implementations. The panel will talk about the paths that brought them into their respective roles, discuss what technology they see changing the market and envision where they see technology taking the commercial real estate industry in the next 5-10 years.

Applying Tech and Innovation to Define, Implement and Accelerate Your DEIB Strategy
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Pisa
As diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging – collectively known as DEIB – receive more attention, organizations in the traditional real estate industry are focusing on their workforces and opportunities to enhance workplace environments. Defining and developing a comprehensive DEIB initiative involves more than just policies and headcounts and relies heavily on data collection/analysis and a compliance strategy that aligns with business objectives. This instructive session will assess the role of technology and innovation in creating an inclusive DEIB strategy and successful examples of DEIB strategies in the industry will be presented.

Realcomm | IBcon: Cyber


From Juice Jacking to Ransomware: Cyber News You Can Use
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Trevi
What are the newest cyber threats and how do we transform our organization into one with a Cyber Awareness Culture? How will AI/ChatGPT impact commercial real estate? Will it be as disruptive as the media hype predicts and what are its potential side effects? Join us for an unfiltered, interactive discussion on the latest cyber trends and hot technologies impacting commercial real estate. Covering a wide range of topics, this "REAL News Talk Show" will be an Open Forum, where we’ll tackle emerging tech trends head-on and separate facts from fiction. The latest cyber threats, ideas for transforming your organization into a Cyber Awareness Culture, and how to counter trends such as EV Chargers and Juice Jacking will be addressed. This exciting session promises to be highly engaging, with plenty of surprises along the way.

Understanding Nation State Technology Challenges and Threats!
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Palermo
The United States and specifically, Silicon Valley, has held the top spot in technology and innovation globally for over 50 years. This dominance has led to exceptional prosperity and the ability to lead the world in a positive and democratic way. Over the last 30 years, China, Russia and other more authoritarian governments have significantly increased their technological capabilities and could potentially surpass the United States and the West in emerging strategic technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, 5G and other advanced wireless technologies, quantum computing and others. This breakout session will follow the General Session discussion on the topic and will allow attendees the opportunity engage in the conversation.

Realcomm: Enterprise Data / Architecture


Enterprise Architecture: The Informational Framework for Driving Digital Transformation
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm    Location: Trevi
Bringing commercial real estate transaction processes together in an integrated enterprise is a daunting task. What is the optimal application stack for your organization? Single stack, best of breed, open APIs, cloud, and database strategies are just a few of the technology decisions to explore. As the focus of the modern enterprise architecture shifts from the IT organization to the entire business, new models and practices to understand, support and add value for stakeholders are required, adding to the complexities of developing a foundational architecture. This session will discuss the strengths of a modern real estate digital enterprise architecture. Opportunities to support a digital strategy and technology innovation delivering tangible business value will be explored.

A Responsible and Effective AI Roadmap for CRE Companies
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
Real estate technology is awash in options, questions and tools relating to AI. It's clear that this is big and important, but where do we go, what do we do and where do we begin? It starts with understanding the basics and establishing key principles to help you guide the organization through this uncharted territory. In addition to specific tools and AI models, topics covered include ethical, legal and technical issues associated with AI, plus change management and organizational behavior. This session will provide a practical AI roadmap that you can adapt for your company, plus ideas for "quick win: interventions to demonstrate success while you work on the larger initiatives that fundamentally transform the way we work.

Data Governance: Building an Effective Framework
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
Data governance, by definition, is a complicated task. It requires organizational, strategic and analytical skills to create a high-level plan that outlines how an organization will collect, process and store data in a consistent manner, ensuring a consistent level of data quality and ultimately trust. With ever-evolving regulatory, investor and privacy requirements, a successful data governance framework is critical to every enterprise business process. This important session will outline the different steps necessary to build, revise and implement a data governance framework from mission statement to policies and procedures and monitoring of the results, continuously emphasizing the need for effective, secure data hygiene processes.

Turning Information into Intelligent Insights: Modern Analytics for Data-Driven Decisions
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Trevi
Progressive real estate organizations are driven by data-fueled insights that quantify and communicate business decisions and foster digital transformation. To thrive as a data-driven real estate firm, sophisticated data analytics tools, processing skills for complex data sets and an understanding of analytic strategies to run are imperative. Given the need for specialized skills, many organizations in our industry still struggle to develop a data science program that takes full advantage of the power of information readily available. This instructive session will examine the benefits and opportunities of a data science approach to digesting the troves of data found in the commercial and corporate real estate ecosystem.

Realcomm: Process Automation


Automation (R)evolution: Strategies to Accelerate Business Transformation
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
Real estate IT executives and their teams are continuously challenged to keep up with the velocity, stability and emerging operational demands of their organizations. To support growth and innovation while achieving efficiency and cost optimization, more IT leaders are focusing on advancing automation initiatives utilizing robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The adoption of automation engines requires governance throughout the life cycle to ensure automations maximize return, reliability and compliance. This session will cover automation use cases for the real estate industry and compare different approaches to automating real estate processes such as leasing, reconciliations, AP/AR, budgeting, reporting and more.

Intelligent Automation: NextGen AI ChatBot Applications for Commercial Real Estate
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm    Location: Trevi
GPT platforms now have the potential to automate real estate tasks such as industry research; and enhance communications, such as tenant support, equipment manuals, training guides and leasing campaigns. Based on generative AI, a branch of computer science that involves algorithms that enable computers to create new content (using previously created content), a chatbot responds to user queries with human-like answers in the form of prose. This informative session will present the current state of chatbot technology, demonstrate real-life examples and examine its potential for commercial real estate.

Modern AP Automation: Overcoming the Headaches
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
Hard to believe that even in 2023, so many organizations are still struggling with payables processing. Is your payables team still sending check payments to suppliers and manually processing purchase orders and invoices? Are inefficient manual workflows causing daily frustration and bottlenecks? In this time of tightening budgets, increasing demands, and the looming threat of payment fraud, efficient payables processing is critical. In this important session, industry leaders will share how they utilized innovative new technology to improve and enhance processing performance. They will share the top goals of their AP automation initiative and explain the benefits of streamlining AP and paying suppliers digitally. They will provide immediately actionable advice to help you get started Monday morning automating your AP processing.

A Case Study for Modern Cloud-Native Platforms: Driving Innovation with No-Code Development
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Trevi
In the time of the new hybrid workforce, all roles within the organization require the flexibility to access key information 24/7 from their real estate management and financial ERP systems. Automating old business processes is critical for success in today’s competitive environment. No-code can be your ally in taking on new challenges as they come, propelling your mission - your way. Learn how Calgary Cooperative, one of the largest retail co-operatives in North America, is utilizing an enterprise, modern cloud-native no-code development platform to raise the bar for their business solutions, paving the way toward their desired business outcomes - and fast. Calgary is taking advantage of declarative application development processes to directly reflect their unique knowledge of the retail cooperative business and drive their innovation strategy towards complete digital transformation.

Realcomm: PropTech


PropTech in Review: A Status Report on VC and the Corporate Investment Landscape
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Trevi
The real estate technology investing space is a billion dollar industry that continues to experience growth. With higher interest rates and market uncertainty, however, commercial real estate may have to deal with substantial headwinds going forward. Global technology solutions are quickly reacting to pressure on the industry. A comprehensive overview of the PropTech space, as well as the real estate industry are essential in shaping an owner/ developer PropTech strategy. In this enlightening session, the Proptech Connection will review the status of the PropTech industry. Data-backed research on owners’ and developers’ adoption of technology and the kind of innovation deployed in the built environment will be presented.

PropTech Launchpad Showcase
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Palermo
There are thousands of new companies now offering some type of technology to the real estate industry, ranging from well-established, mature organizations to companies just starting out. For over 20 years, Realcomm has been a platform for new companies with fresh ideas to present their products to the industry. This year, we’ve identified some of the most innovative newcomers who believe that they have a solution that is highly effective and in some cases - highly disruptive. This session brings together a group of startups that will each pitch their company and product. In the ensuing Q&A following each pitch, you, the audience can judge their respective merits for yourselves and decide whether or not they’re worthy of your further consideration.

Technology Partners:
headshot for Marty Agan
Marty Agan Calumino
Marty Agan SVP, Marketing & Business Development Marty Agan is a technology executive with 20+ years of experience driving innovation in the imaging industry. He helped launch early CMOS image sensor
headshot for Marty Agan
Marty Agan
SVP, Marketing & Business Development

Marty Agan is a technology executive with 20+ years of experience driving innovation in the imaging industry. He helped launch early CMOS image sensor technology into the market at startup Photobit, and contributed to the market's growth to $15B USD through subsequent ventures. With multiple successful exits under his belt, Marty recently joined Calumino (Sydney, Australia) to help bring their intelligent thermal sensor technology to the commercial real estate market. At Calumino, Marty leads global marketing and US business development.

headshot for Brandon Arcement
Brandon Arcement SwiftConnect
Brandon Arcement Chief Commercial Officer Brandon has almost 20 years of industry experience with smart building technology, identity management, and physical access control. Brandon currently
headshot for Brandon Arcement
Brandon Arcement
Chief Commercial Officer

Brandon has almost 20 years of industry experience with smart building technology, identity management, and physical access control. Brandon currently serves as Chief Commercial Officer for SwiftConnect, a leading provider of connected access enablement. In this role, Brandon leads the development and execution of the company’s commercial strategy for SwiftConnect’s AccessCloud platform, the first to enable employee badges in Apple Wallet.

headshot for Susan Blanchet
Susan Blanchet Origen Air Systems
Susan Blanchet Founder & CEO Susan Blanchet is the Founder and CEO of Origen Air, a company that has created biophilic air purification systems using their patented genetically en
headshot for Susan Blanchet
Susan Blanchet
Founder & CEO
Origen Air Systems

Susan Blanchet is the Founder and CEO of Origen Air, a company that has created biophilic air purification systems using their patented genetically engineered golden pothos to metabolize volatile organic compounds from the air while removing CO2 and supplying oxygen. Prior to starting her company, Susan was a lawyer and worked as legal counsel for the province of BC for 14 years.

headshot for Simon Brunet
Simon Brunet Connected Sensors
Simon Brunet President Simon Brunet is the Founder and President of Connected Sensors, a leader in water monitoring and conservation. He has dedicated the last five years to
headshot for Simon Brunet
Simon Brunet
Connected Sensors

Simon Brunet is the Founder and President of Connected Sensors, a leader in water monitoring and conservation. He has dedicated the last five years to meticulously researching and crafting a groundbreaking solution that effectively mitigates building risk and revolutionizes water management. Leveraging his extensive finance background, Simon has skillfully developed and implemented models that yield a remarkable return on investment for all stakeholders, ranging from insurance companies to property owners and managers.

headshot for Logan Carter
Logan Carter Ivy Energy
Logan Carter Co-Founder & CCO Logan Carter has a diverse background that allows him to specialize in development, finance and legal. As Co-Founder and CCO, he is responsible for ex
headshot for Logan Carter
Logan Carter
Co-Founder & CCO
Ivy Energy

Logan Carter has a diverse background that allows him to specialize in development, finance and legal. As Co-Founder and CCO, he is responsible for executive growth, partnerships, and operations. Prior to Ivy, he worked with a CA utility through their transition from Solar NEM to Post-NEM Billing. In parallel, he joined a real estate development partnership. His unique background experience has been instrumental in fueling the company’s drive to transform solar billing in real estate.

headshot for Shaan Cory
Shaan Cory BTune
Shaan Cory President Shaan Cory is the Founder and President of BTune, a technology startup that optimizes the HVAC systems in non-residential buildings to cut energy wast
headshot for Shaan Cory
Shaan Cory

Shaan Cory is the Founder and President of BTune, a technology startup that optimizes the HVAC systems in non-residential buildings to cut energy waste and carbon emissions using developed Automated System Optimization (ASO) technology. Prior to founding BTune, Shaan worked as a Building Scientist for Beca, a large professional advisory firm serving APAC for more than 100 years, where he helped clients improve sustainability and energy efficiency practices. While completing his PhD in Building Science, Shaan audited dozens of commercial buildings to understand how they waste energy, which provided the insights for what would ultimately become BTune.

headshot for Vibha Gore
Vibha Gore Relata
Vibha Gore Partner and President, North America Vibha Gore is very passionate about empowering real estate with technology. For the last 9+ years, she has spearheaded multiple PropTech initiatives f
headshot for Vibha Gore
Vibha Gore
Partner and President, North America

Vibha Gore is very passionate about empowering real estate with technology. For the last 9+ years, she has spearheaded multiple PropTech initiatives for real estate developers, owners and operators, and real estate services companies for MPCs, office, industrial and retail asset types. Vibha has almost 30 years of proven track record of successfully rolling out many technology initiatives and products, from concept to execution in various entrepreneurial, consulting and corporate roles. She is the first person who is opening doors for Relata in an international market, developing vision, roadmap, and strategy to play globally.

headshot for Brian Higgins
Brian Higgins Aditum Connect
Brian Higgins CEO Brian Higgins is a serial entrepreneur with a distinguished track record in the high-tech communications industry. He is the Founder & CEO of Aditum C
headshot for Brian Higgins
Brian Higgins
Aditum Connect

Brian Higgins is a serial entrepreneur with a distinguished track record in the high-tech communications industry. He is the Founder & CEO of Aditum Connect, a broadband platform launched in 2015, which revolutionizes connectivity for commercial property owners with affordable, high-speed internet solutions. Brian has over 25 years of experience in LAN, WAN, and wireless network design and is a seasoned professional adept at building and managing next-generation service provider networks.

headshot for Raj Purushotham
Raj Purushotham Property Automate
Raj Purushotham VP, Marketing & Sales Raj is a Sales strategist with vast experience in driving business growth for Software Products & Services in International markets. In his role at Pr
headshot for Raj Purushotham
Raj Purushotham
VP, Marketing & Sales
Property Automate

Raj is a Sales strategist with vast experience in driving business growth for Software Products & Services in International markets. In his role at Property Automate, Raj leads global GTM for cutting-edge SaaS services-PropGOTO for the Property sector. Raj is a certified ERP and BPM expert facilitating many key projects focusing on ‘customer touchpoints’ and ‘out-to-In’ strategies for enterprises while using digital strategies in the core of the transformation.

headshot for Zachary Toubman
Zachary Toubman PRODA
Zachary Toubman Director of Sales With over a decade of experience on Capitol Hill, tech companies like Microsoft and Yelp, and various successful start-ups, Zach Toubman has spent the
headshot for Zachary Toubman
Zachary Toubman
Director of Sales

With over a decade of experience on Capitol Hill, tech companies like Microsoft and Yelp, and various successful start-ups, Zach Toubman has spent the past several years leveraging this unique combination of skills and experience to drive the adoption of technology in real estate.

headshot for Andy Tran
Andy Tran Mero
Andy Tran Product Manager Andy Tran is a Product Manager with over 5 years' experience in the B2B SaaS space. He has experience managing cross-functional teams with a history o
headshot for Andy Tran
Andy Tran
Product Manager

Andy Tran is a Product Manager with over 5 years' experience in the B2B SaaS space. He has experience managing cross-functional teams with a history of streamlining product processes and operations. Currently at Mero Technologies, Andy is leading the onboarding & delivery team in building products that foster safer, sustainable, and more profitable commercial buildings. Key strengths include user research, leadership and process improvement.

headshot for Ashleigh Wilson
Ashleigh Wilson AuditMate
Ashleigh Wilson CEO & Founder Raised in a family of elevator mechanics and managers, Ashleigh entered the industry herself in her early 20s. Over her successful career in the indus
headshot for Ashleigh Wilson
Ashleigh Wilson
CEO & Founder

Raised in a family of elevator mechanics and managers, Ashleigh entered the industry herself in her early 20s. Over her successful career in the industry, she came to realize that the customer was always an afterthought. So, she made it her mission to show that if people were put first, profits would follow. Once it became clear that the corporate mindset would not shift from profits to people, she decided to become a client advocate by starting AuditMate. Ashleigh believes that results can be attained without sacrificing human dignity and if you’re not human-centric in your approach, no one succeeds.

Diminishing the Impact of Technology Losses: Defining a "Start-Up Failure Proof" Strategy
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Pisa
Despite the growing number of industry start-ups, not all new real estate solution providers ultimately make it. But what should landlords do when they bought into the new technology and maybe even deployed it in their buildings? To recover from a potential start-up failure and keep buildings running as intended, an agile strategy is required that can quickly be adjusted in an event of discontinued technology or software support. In this valuable session, we will explore various case studies including how to successfully avoid building system outages or safety concerns in the event of the loss of a critical building IoT technology which had been integrated into the building network architecture.

PropTech and its Relationship with the Future of CRE: A VC Perspective
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 11:30 am - 12:15 pm    Location: Verona
The future of real estate is driven by technology. Venture capitalists work with some of the most exciting start-ups in the space, often identifying new trends and opportunities for innovation. In this session, top VC firms share their insight on trends in the built environment. Representing venture capitalists that support early-stage to more mature start-ups, the panel will provide their take on technologies that have the potential to reshape the way we design, build, operate and experience buildings. From current workplace and space demand debates to the use of artificial intelligence and experience-focused designs, this session will address some of the most controversial trends.

Realcomm: Investment Management


Eutopia Investment Management (EIM): Consultation Workshop / Luncheon
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm    Location: Verona
With the rapid growth of EIM’s international funds, investors are placing unprecedented demands as markets appear to be headed for greater instability. They want evidence of a strong ESG record and more sophisticated reporting. EIM Analysts are voicing concerns around data confidence, limitations in aggregating data from multiple systems, and more. Your team (table group) will partner with vendors and consultants to develop a data strategy and project proposal to evaluate data limitations and institute enhancements to address the analysts' and investors' concerns. This workshop is open to all Realcomm registered attendees, but seating is limited to 100 participants.

Investment Management Data Integration and Advanced Analytics
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm    Location: Verona
Case studies presented in this session will explore multiple data integration techniques that have been used to enhance a wide range of common business processes such as asset on-boarding, 3rd-party property management data integration and customized workflows. Presenters will share key aspects of their technology roadmap and explain some of the tough choices they had to make along the way. We will explore complex case studies that include streamlined methods such as robotic process automation (RPA), Power BI overlays and more. Attendees will gain critical insights and the reasoning behind specific design decisions, key data structures, APIs, and governance models.

Investment Management: Market Volatility from the Technology Perspective
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Verona
The CRE market is currently facing levels of volatility that we haven't experienced since the Great Recession. Declining asset valuations, challenges in sourcing fresh capital and reduced tenant demand have put new operational strains on every company. Can technology help us navigate through these murky waters? Can the thousands of point and single-source PropTech vendors help mitigate risk and unlock new opportunities? Our expert panel will discuss the role that technology will play in today's rapidly changing investment markets, evolving investor demands, fluctuating valuations, debt management, tenant lease negotiations and overall portfolio performance. Attendees will learn how best to prepare for uncertainty or take advantage of unique opportunities.

Investment Management & Best Practices Case Study Session
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Verona
Join Yardi clients in this specially designed session that will explore several hand-picked client case studies from different perspectives to hear what challenges are facing the investment side of real estate and how technology can help firms be more efficient. Presenters will share their company’s innovative implementations, deployment experiences, and lessons learned along the way. Attendees will benefit from the unique blend of case studies that provide usable insights into your own technology roadmap.

Master Class in Successful Application Evaluations, Data Consolidations and Business Partnerships
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm    Location: Verona
Every Investment Management (IM) company has its own business objectives, investment goals, portfolio mix, application sets, data structures, and company culture. Closely examining a successful company’s software selection process, implementation strategy and third-party data integration experiences can provide key insights into developing a tailored technology roadmap with proven results. This session will analyze essential considerations from gaining project approval, setting expectations and delivering business value. It will also serve as a “user group” experience with benchmarking, open knowledge sharing and the valuable takeaways for any attendee researching IM alternatives, enhancements to their existing solution and innovative ways to optimize your own application portfolio.

PRECON: CRE Cybersecurity Forum


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 8:00 am - 8:10 am    Location: Milano
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Understanding the Growing Scope of the Nation State Cyber Threat
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 8:10 am - 8:40 am    Location: Milano
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Sponsor Introduction: View
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 8:40 am - 8:50 am    Location: Milano
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Cyber IT vs. OT Boundaries: Applying IT Standards to OT
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 8:50 am - 9:15 am    Location: Milano

Keeping Cyber Relevant in Challenging Economic Times
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 9:25 am - 9:55 am    Location: Milano
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Integrating Cyber into New Construction and Commissioning Across Asset Classes
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 9:55 am - 10:25 am    Location: Milano
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Should You Add BACnet/SC and Managed BACnet to Your Tech Stack?
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 10:25 am - 10:45 am    Location: Milano
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Training Our Next Generation of Cyber Professionals
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 10:45 am - 10:55 am    Location: Milano
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Small Group Breakouts
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 10:55 am - 11:20 am    Location: Milano
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Breakout Recaps
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 11:20 am - 11:35 am    Location: Milano
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Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 11:35 am - 11:40 am    Location: Milano
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PRECON: CIO Roundtable


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 12:00 pm - 12:10 pm    Location: Milano
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From Data to Decision Making: Leveraging Technology to Optimize Real Estate Investments
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 12:10 pm - 12:20 pm    Location: Milano
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What's Keeping You Up at Night?
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 12:20 pm - 12:50 pm    Location: Milano
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Critical Importance of Executive Support
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 12:50 pm - 1:05 pm    Location: Milano
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Cybersecurity Maturity Journey of a REIT
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:05 pm - 1:15 pm    Location: Milano
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AI and the Digital Building Transformation
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:30 pm - 1:40 pm    Location: Milano
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Table Topic Breakouts
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:45 pm - 2:10 pm    Location: Milano
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Breakout Leaders' Recap
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:10 pm - 2:25 pm    Location: Milano
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The Technology Evolution and Digital Transformation of Affinius Capital
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:25 pm - 2:35 pm    Location: Milano
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How Can GPT be Applied to CRE Processes?
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:35 pm - 2:50 pm    Location: Milano
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Table Topic Breakouts
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:50 pm - 3:15 pm    Location: Milano
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Breakout Leaders' Recap
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm    Location: Milano
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PRECON: Hybrid | Immersive Work Experience Summit


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:00 pm - 3:05 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Rethink Work: Not Just the Workplace
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:05 pm - 3:25 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Innovating Experience: Experimentation is the Key
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:25 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Focus on Collaboration and Individual Productivity
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:45 pm - 4:05 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Collaboration Destinations: Breaking Down Spatial Barriers
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:05 pm - 4:30 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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REtooling the Workplace: Microsoft Teams Rooms
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:40 pm - 5:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Working from Anywhere at Atlassian
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:10 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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A Meta Look at Collaboration
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:10 pm - 5:30 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Zoom and Beyond: A New Way to Look at Virtual Workplaces
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:30 pm - 5:50 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:50 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan II
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Realcomm recognizes the vital role that the venture capital community plays in shaping the future of commercial real estate technology. At the June conference, we will feature a VC Lounge to foster interactions and collaborations between participating VCs and the Realcomm | IBcon community. The Lounge will provide an excellent opportunity for VCs to showcase the most relevant companies from their portfolios to potential strategic partners and investors as well as prospective end-users. The Lounge will be open Tuesday afternoon and all day on Wednesday, with walk-ins welcome. For a more personalized experience, appointments can be scheduled via the mobile conference app.

Our inaugural VC Lounge promises to be an exciting platform for ideation, knowledge-sharing, and networking between VCs and the Realcomm | IBcon community. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the latest technology trends and innovations driving the commercial real estate industry, and share their specific business challenges with the VCs to stimulate the development of new and innovative solutions.


VC Lounge
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Solerno
The VC Lounge will be open to all attendees on Tuesday afternoon and all day on Wednesday, with walk-ins welcome. For a more personalized experience, appointments can be scheduled via the mobile conference app (coming soon!).

VC Lounge
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm    Location: Solerno
The VC Lounge will be open to all attendees on Tuesday afternoon and all day on Wednesday, with walk-ins welcome. For a more personalized experience, appointments can be scheduled via the mobile conference app (coming soon!).

PRECON: IB Boot Camp


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:00 pm - 2:10 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Smart Building Basics
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:10 pm - 2:30 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Use Cases vs. Systems and Features
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:40 pm - 3:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Alumni Stories
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:00 pm - 3:20 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Analytics and AI
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:20 pm - 3:40 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Market Scoring and Certifications
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:50 pm - 4:10 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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ESG and CRE Carbon Regs
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:20 pm - 4:40 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Cybersecurity for OT
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:40 pm - 5:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Occupant Experience and Hybrid Work
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:20 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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Conference Highlights and CTA
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:30 pm - 5:40 pm    Location: Neopolitan I
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PRECON: Smart Building Integrator Summit (SBIS)


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:30 pm - 1:40 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Controls Group North America
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:40 pm - 1:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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SI vs. MSI: The Evolving Role of the System Integrator
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Recruiting and Training Our Next Generation of Controls Professionals
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:30 pm - 2:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Smart Building Design with the End in Mind
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:45 pm - 3:30 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Smart and Sustainable Building Automation
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:30 pm - 3:40 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Technology's Role in Decarbonization
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:50 pm - 4:35 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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BACnet SC: Proposed
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:35 pm - 4:45 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Tech Showcase | Digital Twin Demo: Willow
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:45 pm - 5:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Tech Partner Conversation | Mapped
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:10 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Smart Organizations to Drive Smarter Buildings
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:10 pm - 5:55 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:55 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Neopolitan III
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PRECON: 5G | In-Building Wireless Symposium


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:30 pm - 1:40 pm    Location: Pisa
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Laying the Foundation: The Technical and Business Dynamics of Private Networks vs. DAS/Small Cells vs. WiFi
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:40 pm - 2:25 pm    Location: Pisa
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Understanding the 5G+ Global Competitiveness Landscape
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:25 pm - 2:40 pm    Location: Pisa
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The Las Vegas 5G Project: A Built Infrastructure Case Study at City Scale
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:40 pm - 3:20 pm    Location: Pisa
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5G / CBRS and Private Networks: Hype vs. Reality
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:40 pm - 4:25 pm    Location: Pisa
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Defining, Designing, Deploying and Managing Your In-Building Wireless Strategy
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:25 pm - 5:10 pm    Location: Pisa
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The In-Building Wireless Lifecycle: From Spec to Implementation to Management Lifecycle
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:10 pm - 5:55 pm    Location: Pisa
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PRECON: Environmental Sustainability Forum


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:30 pm - 1:35 pm    Location: Verona
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Setting and Actually Achieving Targets
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:35 pm - 2:30 pm    Location: Verona
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Hines Carbon Impact Assessment
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm    Location: Verona
Industry Powerhouses Weigh-In on Climate Challenge in the Built Environment
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Verona
Collecting and Managing the Data: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:45 pm - 4:40 pm    Location: Verona
Legislation and SEC Regulations
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:40 pm - 5:20 pm    Location: Verona
Incorporating an Embodied Carbon Strategy
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:20 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Verona
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 6:00 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Verona

PRECON: Low Voltage Buildings Roundtable


Welcome and Introductions (Master Deck)
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:45 pm - 1:55 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Low Voltage 101
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 1:55 pm - 2:30 pm    Location: Sorrento
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The Emerging Low Voltage Ecosystem: AC vs. DC - Building the Business Case
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Learning from Experience: Building a Low Voltage Lab
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Holy Grail: The Low Voltage Architecture - Case Study Showcase
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 3:45 pm - 4:30 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Industry Challenges and Opportunities
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Solution Showcase
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:00 pm - 5:55 pm    Location: Sorrento
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Wrap-Up and Next Steps
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 5:55 pm - 6:00 pm    Location: Sorrento
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General Session


Welcome and introductions (Day One)
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 8:45 am - 11:00 am    Location: Milano
Welcome and introductions.

25 Years @ the Intersection of Technology, Automation, Innovation and the Built Environment
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano
Realcomm was founded in 1999 with a mission that holds true to this day: Gather all the stakeholders in the built environment together in one place to discuss and debate technology in order to accelerate the pace of adoption. A quarter of a century later, the Realcomm community has touched over 150,000 people from over 100 countries. They have focused on creating an environment of both in person and virtual events that allow individuals in the PropTech industry to learn and collaborate on this very important topic. Jim Young, Co-Founder and CEO, will take us on a fast-paced journey, reviewing the ups and downs of real estate technology over the last 25 years.

The Las Vegas Digital Innovation Story: The Built Environment @ City Scale!
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano

Realcomm | IBcon is pleased to present Michael Sherwood, the Chief Innovation and Technology Officer for the City of Las Vegas as one of the keynote speakers in this year’s General Session. As the individual at the center of Las Vegas’ innovation strategy, Michael will be sharing a number of projects that are directly in line with the built environment.

Michael has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of process improvement, technology, and innovation. Prior to the city of Las Vegas, he served as the Deputy Director of Public Safety, Business Services & City Technology for the City of Irvine, California. Michael is extremely passionate about technology and believes through innovation, workforce development, and collaboration, we can create brighter and sustainable communities.

Las Vegas is a legendary city known around every corner of the world. Its reputation for entertainment, gambling and fun is unprecedented. Not everyone would consider Las Vegas an innovator as it relates to the built environment, however, just a little research shows how much this city is doing and at an unprecedented pace.

Hotel security systems; advanced building automation; new digital tenants such as e-sports, studios and digital experience venues; a citywide 5G wireless infrastructure project; autonomous transportation; and much more, one could make the argument that Las Vegas is one of the most innovative / digital cities in the country, if not the world.

Developing New Workforce Opportunities In Smart Buildings: Stacks+Joules Leads the Way!
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano
As buildings become more intelligent, we will need a new type of engineer that not only understands the physical equipment but also the increasingly more complex networks and IP systems that are pulling it all together. We have recognized for years that one day we would find ourselves short of qualified professionals. Unfortunately, it has proven to be true. Stacks+Joules, founded by two intelligent, ambitious and passionate individuals, decided to take this extremely important challenge on. They have created a building automation training program and have reached out to a community that may never have been aware such opportunities existed. Their story is timely, exciting and inspirational!

Navigating the Financial Stresses of the CRE Market, Economy and Impact on Innovation
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano

The commercial and corporate real estate market is not immune to market cycles. Throughout modern history, this asset class has had to deal with various scenarios relating to supply and demand, monetary policies including interest rates, shifting regulation and now the impacts of the pandemic including return to work.

To better understand the market’s demand for technology and innovation, it is critical to understand the health of the market and its capacity to invest in new technology and innovation. A quick glance at the news illustrates that there are many different opinions on where the market is. Will it get worse; how bad will it get and for how long? For those in the PropTech space, getting clarity on this issue will help with short, medium and long-term goals.

We are excited to have Spencer Levy present his thoughts on this subject at this year’s General Session on June 14. Spencer is Global Client Strategist and Senior Economic Advisor for CBRE, the largest commercial real estate services firm in the world. In his role, Spencer focuses on client engagement and public-facing activities, including thought leadership work performed in conjunction with CBRE research. He also serves as Co-Chair of the Real Estate Roundtable’s Research Committee.

Spencer is frequently quoted in major business publications and appears on business television, including CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, PBS and Fox Business. Spencer is the host of CBRE’s podcast “The Weekly Take.” He is considered one of the most insightful commentators on issues of importance to commercial real estate. Spencer has 27 years of experience in commercial real estate, including the past 15 at CBRE. During this time, he has served as a lawyer, investment banker, and capital markets senior research leader.

For the second part of this critical conversation, Spencer will be joined remotely by Philip McAndrews, Chief Strategy Officer at RXR. Phil is recognized as a transformational leader with extensive managerial and investment experience refining enterprise-level global real estate investment.

At RXR, Phil works closely with the firm’s partners developing and executing corporate strategic initiatives and expanding the investment management offerings for both their stakeholders and clients. He is the only non-partner member of the RXR Investment Committee.

Over the course of a 26-year career at TIAA (Nuveen), a $1.3 trillion financial service company headquartered in New York, Phil served as Chief Investment Officer of Global Real Estate and guided TIAA’s platform through several meaningful pivot points and real estate cycles. Phil was also the Head of Real Estate Equity for Aegon, a $380 Billion Dutch insurance company.

Industry Perspective: What Does the Future Hold for Commercial and Corporate Real Estate
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano

The last 36 months have brought more change to the built environment than possibly the last 50 years. Covid, work, shop, play from home and now, high interest rates and a rethinking of space utilization are having significant impacts on the market. With a broad customer base and voluminous amounts of data, there is no better organization to provide keen insight than Yardi. Anant Yardi, Founder and CEO will be joined on stage by Rob Teel, newly promoted President, Global Solutions to discuss what the future holds for commercial and corporate real estate.

Realcomm | IBcon Chairs Weigh In: Unpacking Today’s Top PropTech Issues & Topics
Date: 6/14/2023    Location: Milano

Each year, the Realcomm program team, led by Howard Berger, surveys hundreds of industry professionals to get a gauge on the topics that are of most interest and relevance to the community. The survey, in addition to thousands of conversations with advisors, solution providers, consultants, integrators, real estate owners, operators and managers, as well as corporate occupiers, provides keen insight as to the issues, interests and opportunities of the day.

After the sifting and sorting was complete, we asked our Advisory Council chairs to lend their experience and insight to the process and present the industry’s most pressing topics on Day One of the General Session on June 14 at Caesars Palace.

Each of the six chairs, Sineesh Keshav, Managing Director, CTO, Prologis; Joe Rich, EVP, CIO, Related Companies; Jeannie Schneider, SVP, CTO, Hines; Arv Gupta, SVP, National Operations, Cadillac Fairview; Colette Temmink, Chief Strategy & Product Officer SMS Assist, a Lessen Company; and Charles Whiteley VP, Global Digital Leader, B+P, AECOM, will present one topic they feel needs focus and attention. This is a great opportunity for the audience to hear about the most important issues that rise to the top from the industry’s leading professionals.

General Session (Day Two)
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 8:15 am - 9:45 am
Welcome and introductions, Day Two.

Artificial Intelligence in the Built Environment
Date: 6/15/2023

Realcomm first introduced AI to the real estate industry at Realcomm | IBcon 2016, when a reporter named Cade Metz shared his observation of Korea’s 18-time World Go Champion being defeated by Google’s AI machine, AlphaGo. At the time, the real estate industry wasn’t paying much attention.

Enter ChatGPT. Over the last few months, a global obsession has begun. From dire warnings from its creators to AI-generated art, music and business intelligence, the world is chasing the potential of this new technology. It seems clear AI will have a profound impact on our industry, touching everything from market and portfolio analysis to AI-generated cyber-attacks. This segment will showcase three industry relevant demonstrations of this powerful and somewhat controversial new technology.

Setting New Global Standards: Exploring Walmart’s Campus of the Future
Date: 6/15/2023

This segment will focus on innovation from a corporate campus perspective. Walmart, a people-led, tech-powered omnichannel retailer with a mission to help people save money and live better, continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy, and employment opportunity. Located in Bentonville, Arkansas, Walmart's new home office campus will sit on roughly 350 acres of land and include ~3.9 million square feet of new office and amenity building space.

Led by Cindi Marsiglio, SVP, Corporate Real Estate, the team is shaping the new campus in a way that is connected to the community, weaving in the natural beauty of Northwest Arkansas, focusing on Walmart's roots, and digital transformation to attract the future generations of talent.

Navigating Innovation through Strategic Collaboration
Date: 6/15/2023
In today's technology marketplace, with an abundance of options, overlap of capabilities and things changing at an unprecedented speed, digitally transforming an organization is no easy task. The most successful projects usually represent a collaborative environment between client and vendor in which both partner to create the best result. The partnership culture allows for best practices to be identified with a full understanding of current and future trends. Altrio will bring experience and insight to this very important topic.

Global Technology Competitiveness: The Nation State Battle is Upon Us
Date: 6/15/2023

The United States has long enjoyed a leading competitive advantage when it comes to emerging and critical technologies. The modern technology revolution started in the mid 1960s in Silicon Valley with organizations like Hewlett Packard and Stanford University and has enjoyed being the epicenter of innovation for 60+ years. That began changing over 20 years ago when large nation states began implementing a strategy that would look to unseat the United States as a global leader in technology.

This strategy was formulated on rapid intellectual property theft, aggressive government subsidies and a comprehensive high technology education campaign. Leading experts on the topic speculate that if the current trajectory continues, industries such as Artificial Intelligence, Advanced 5G+ Communications, Quantum Computing and others, could be overtaken by large, non-democratic nation states by 2030 and the results could be disastrous.

Liza Tobin, Senior Director of the Economy for the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a new organization formed by Eric Schmidt, former China Director for the National Security Council and China specialist for the US Government and Aaron Brown former Army Ranger, CIA senior Operations Officer, and Co-Founder of 2430 Group, a nonprofit and consortium of companies defending the US public and private sectors against foreign economic espionage, will discuss the growing threat to the economy and national security as it relates to the built environment, and the risks of digital tracking and technical surveillance.

General Events


8th Annual Golf Outing & Charity Event
Date: 6/12/2023    Time: 7:30 am - 2:00 pm    Location: Various
We are excited to be hosting the 8th Annual Realcomm | IBcon Golf Outing which will be held at the Arroyo Arnold Palmer Course, located at Red Rock Country Club, it features a golf course that ribbons seamlessly through the rugged terrain. It is nestled between the spectacular landscapes of Red Rock Canyon, one of the city's most revered natural landmarks, with panoramic views of the Las Vegas cityscape.

This year's outing will be a charity event benefiting Stacks & Joules. All donations will go to support this nonprofit workforce development program that is trying to help solve the skilled labor shortage in the Building Automation System (BAS) industry. They are truly delivering the next generation of smart building techs!

Reserve your spot today!

Real Estate Tech Innovation Tours
Date: 6/12/2023    Time: 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm    Location: Various
Realcomm and IBcon are pleased to offer attendees an opportunity to participate in back-of-house tours of several innovative projects and experiences in the Las Vegas area:
  • AREA15 | Immersive Entertainment & Events District
  • BOXABL HOMES | Automated Home Building
  • HALO CAR | Driverless Delivery – Remote Piloting Coming Soon
  • VU LAS VEGAS | An LED Studio Focusing on Immersive Experiences
  • RESORTS WORLD LAS VEGAS | Sets New Bar for Hospitality Innovation
These Real Estate Tech Innovation Tours will be held Monday, June 12 and are available to Real Estate and Facilities Professionals, Consultants and Integrators who are registered conference attendees. Each tour will have limited capacity and will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional fees apply at time of registration.

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Welcome Reception
Date: 6/13/2023    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm    Location: Temple Pool

Welcome to Las Vegas! Join us for an evening of fun, food, drinks and exciting entertainment at Caesars Palace’s Garden of the Gods Temple Pool, where we’ll kickoff off our 25th Anniversary celebration. We're thrilled to celebrate this milestone event with you as you meet up with old friends or make new ones before the conference gets started on Wednesday.

Inaugural Allies Breaking Barriers Sunrise Session
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 7:30 am - 8:30 am    Location: Verona

Are you ready for some RealTalk at Realcomm? Start with the inaugural Allies Breaking Barriers | Sunrise Session where case studies and personal stories will inspire and transformative table topics will forge new insights and connections. Join us on Wednesday, June 14 from 7:30am to 8:30am. This event is by-invitation only. Space is limited.

At Realcomm, we believe that true change happens when we work from the inside out as well as from the outside in. It's about creating an environment where new voices can be heard, different stories can be told, and perspectives can collide to forge a path toward a more inclusive and diverse future.

CONNECT AND COLLABORATE: Connect with like-minded individuals, build invaluable relationships, and collaborate on ideas and initiatives that will make a lasting impact. Together, we can create a future that celebrates and embraces the richness of diversity in real estate.

UNLOCK NEW PERSPECTIVES: Prepare to challenge your assumptions, expand your viewpoints, and gain fresh insights from great speakers who are leading the charge of change. Our lineup features thought leaders from various industries who are ready to share their experiences, strategies, and success stories.

Digie Awards Presentation and Networking Reception
Date: 6/14/2023    Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Join us at Realcomm Live as we announce the winners of the 2023 Digie Awards. These prestigious awards honor those companies, real estate projects, technologies and people who have gone above and beyond to positively impact our industry through the use of technology, automation and innovation.

Directly following the Digie Awards Presentation is a networking reception on the Exhibit Floor. Mingle and meet new colleagues and catch up with old friends! This event is open to all attendees.

Best Practice Showcases
Date: 6/15/2023    Time: 9:45 am - 10:45 am
IBcon Smart Building Best Practice Showcase
The 12th annual Smart Building Best Practice Showcase returns to Realcomm | IBcon. For this super-session, we've assembled some of the world’s most progressive and successful implementations of smart buildings, portfolios and campuses. These projects represent the next generation of open, interoperable, integrated and IP-centric buildings.

In this showcase setting, attendees will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with representatives for each project who will share their strategies and address topics such as energy conservation, operational efficiency, enhanced occupant experience, sustainability achievement and financial optimization.

Realcomm Process Automation Showcase
There are myriad processes and prodigious amounts of data involved in developing, operating and transacting commercial real estate.Although we have increasingly sophisticated applications and platforms that help us collect, format and report on that data, we often still need to resort to manual data entry and manipulation to get the required results.

In our second Realcomm Process Automation Showcase super-session, we’ve assembled some of the world’s most creative and innovative examples of commercial real estate process automation. The case studies you see here will enable you to learn to shave thousands of hours from existing workflows. In this showcase setting, attendees will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the technology architects for each unique automation project who share what they did and how they did it.