Page 16 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 16

SPOTLIGHT: Cybersecurity



          SVP & Chief Technical Architect,
          Corporate Property Group
          Wells Fargo

          BACK IN 1998, as I was transitioning into a new oppor-  my computer would cost me untold recovery hours and
          tunity, something occurred that has never left me. I was   personal anguish, all due to that click. It was early on tech-
          moving to a consulting services organization that would   nology-wise so I didn’t have the huge digital footprint that
          require me to stretch my skills, and I was excited.  I have now; it was devastating, nonetheless. Ask anyone
                                                               who has experienced a virus, identity fraud or ransomware,
          Early on at my new job I received a personal email   and they will recount a similar tale of woe.
          from a colleague—what I presumed to be a forwarded
          joke. He worked in finance at my previous company    While the initial impact is distressing, the sense of loss
          and was well connected to our industry. While he and   becomes increasingly acute, growing into revulsion as the
          I had worked together on projects, I wouldn’t say that   sense of personal violation really sets in. I was attacked. That
          we were close personally. I knew that he could connect   click would haunt me for some time as I struggled to clean
          me to many potential clients, so when I glanced at the   up the mess. A simple click … and I knew better. Obviously,
          subject line it was barely a split second thought, “Huh,   I haven’t forgotten the lesson, and whenever I read or hear
          that’s strange.” Then I clicked.... Strange didn’t begin to   about a new phishing attack, I think back to my first malware
          describe what happened next.                         incident. All it takes is a click. Let’s fast forward to today.

          Let’s go back to that split second—my inner voice was   I have described at previous CRE industry events and
          there in that moment, I just didn’t listen. I knew this   in webinars that we at Wells Fargo started a dedicated
          individual to be very conservative, he worked in finance   building technology cybersecurity program in 2014. We
          crunching numbers for our corporate investors. Why   expanded our focus and remediation to include both
          would he send me a joke? I was soon to find out it   traditional IT assets (PCs, servers, routers), as well as
          was anything but a joke. The virus that spread through   Operation Technology (OT) assets. OT assets include

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