Page 32 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 32

to maintain the workplace environ-  and maintenance. Mobile devices will   The integration of multiple business
          ment and the different components   connect to the work order system,   operating systems sharing data to a
          of their time. Breaking down the   to the building management system,   data lake rather than storing it within
          analytics is really going to change   and to the BIM 360 Digital Twin. Our   its own database. It is amazing how
                                                                                many different systems generate the
                                                                                same data but do not share it with
                                                                                other systems.

                                                                                What are the extreme innovation
                                                                                ideas that Ford is considering for
                                                                                the future?
                                                                                Our Workplace Experience group
                                                                                is a team from different business
                                                                                units within Ford Land and Ford IT.
                                                                                One thing we discuss often is the
                                                                                day and life of an employee, where
                                                                                your technology experience starts
                                                                                from home. Your house has con-
                                                                                trols to adjust lighting, lock doors,
                                                                                set the alarm, etc. Now your house
                                                                                is connected to your vehicle, using
                                                                                that same technology as you drive.
                                                                                It gives you the traffic path, relates
                                                                                accidents, reroutes you through
                                                                                the GPS. When you arrive to work,
                                                                                it connects you seamlessly to
                                                                                the parking garage. It knows your
          The Ford Product Campus                                               schedule, your first meeting, guides
                                                                                you to your conference room. The
                                                                                room’s enabled with your lighting
          the game and enable opportunities to   connected smart buildings may have   level preferences, temperature and
          reduce operating costs. Data is a very   the ability to generate work orders,   A/V preferences; the meeting is
          powerful commodity; understanding   control lighting and temperature in   ready to go. Food service is taken
          and using that data will change the   the space, through an employee APP.      care of. It’s integrating all those
          way we look at the workplace.                                         different things in your life—not
                                             What technology, automation        only work, but also options in family
          On the OT side, technology is the   or innovation trends do you see   life. For example, we have mother’s
          enabler for building operations and   impacting corporate real estate    rooms. We’ve done pilots with bring-
          mechanical systems. Are the systems   the most?                       ing your dog to work; we’re looking
          being maintained properly; are we   I think there will be a lot more focus   at all these things that perhaps
          wasting money replacing components   on the well-being within the interior   aren’t normally in the workplace.
          such as air filtration too frequently   space. For example, we are evaluat-
          or not enough; are we performing   ing circadian lighting that changes   Technology is the enabler to simplify
          enough PMs; are the predictive analyt-  color in the daytime, so employees   your connected lifestyle. Whether
          ics enabling proactive decisions?  feel more relaxed. We’ve really exam-  you are in your vehicle, at work or
                                             ined the environment itself. Are peo-  at home, we are all seamlessly con-
          We’ve enabled the operations service   ple getting enough fresh air in this   nected through that technology; it is
          and maintenance teams with technol-  space? Are we looking holistically at   part of today’s lifestyle.
          ogy that will integrate into business   that building envelope, optimizing
          systems supporting service work    everything we can?

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