Page 34 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 34

Redmond Campus Experience

          This is exactly the concept we use   building to allow holes in walls, running   What types of devices are needed?
          for the modernization of Microsoft’s   cables, adding devices and sensors,   How do we collect and analyze
          East Redmond campus, one of the    etc. The building may not have enough   device data? How is it processed and
          major projects I worked on in the last   power or infrastructure to host those   stored? How is privacy enabled? Can
          year. The 72-acre project will facilitate   systems. For a connected campus with   we weave together all the indepen-
          the addition of 17 new buildings, 2.5   the ability to grow, we should make the   dent building subsystems to create a
          million square feet of new workspace   building smart even before construc-  unified experience? It was critical to
          and 500,000 square feet of amenities   tion begins.                   provision for infrastructure with build-
          which will accommodate 12,000 peo-                                    ings, as they last for over 20 years—
          ple when complete. To bring up these   We also determined that a smart   so that any type of future technology
          17 buildings, we are deconstructing 14   building is only smart if people get   could be easily integrated.
          buildings. I am in a unique position on   value for the services the building
          the project; as part of a One Microsoft   provides. It must be smart for any-  It’s a balance trying to future proof
          approach, I partner with the real estate   one it serves: employees, visitors,   things. It’s a challenge we debate
          group to lead a cross group team   guests, service providers, contract   every day. You don’t want to build
          that helps define the digital trans-  staff. There’s always been this huge   something in such a way that you
          formation strategy for the campus,   idea that anything could be done with   never use to full capacity. Our goal
          which involves reinventing the space   technology. There’s a risk in that idea,   is optimizing the design to draw that
          from the shell and core to the tenant   and we consciously put user experi-  fine line between how much we need,
          improvement phases of a building.   ence first. What we wouldn’t want to   and the room needed for growth.
          This will give us the ability to make   happen is to have this great technol-
          our buildings smart from the ground   ogy showcase which nobody wants   What will the campus look
          up allowing for improved experiences,   to use—because it doesn’t speak   like in the future?
          adapted to the needs of the tenants.  highly to the user experience.   Our aspirational vision for digital
                                                                                transformation was to create an intel-
          Adding technology to an existing   As we identified the type of experi-  ligent and intuitive workplace that
          building not only limits the amount of   ences people want, we knew they   harnesses the power of digital. Once
          services you can provide—because   had to be connected, accessible,   the campus opens, the goal is pro-
          it does not have the scale and scope   sustainable, secure, and scalable. As   viding the best employee experience
          required—but it is also an expensive   you build out this experiential aspect,   that would make people feel amazed
          task, because it requires retrofitting the   what is the underlying technology?   to work at Microsoft.

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