Page 27 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 27

compliance must be reasonable and manageable given
                                                               the deeply embedded cultural realities of building sys-
                                                               tems contractors—or it will risk rebellion and failure.

                                                               A VRM solution must have a customer-empowering,
                                                               customer-owned approach and this approach must
                                                               survive contractor turnover and rise above the
                                                               inconsistencies caused by the fragmentation of
                                                               service providers. VRM is a top-down solution that
                                                               is pushed throughout all regions, buildings, systems
                                                               and contractors. This will be manifested in new policy
                                                               requirements, service contracts and organization-wide
                                                               process and controls. The process and controls will
                                                               eventually mimic formal IT process and controls such as
                                                               SOC2 (Service Organization Control).

                                                               So, the next time you say you need to address
                                                               cybersecurity for your building portfolio you might
                                                               consider saying what you really need is a VRM strategy
                                                               that includes cybersecurity.

                                                               About the Authors: Tom Shircliff and Rob Murchison are
                                                               co-founders of Intelligent Buildings, a nationally recognized smart
          It is true that there is a big problem with secure, remote   building consulting and services company that leads the industry
          access for control systems and this must be addressed; but   in OT cybersecurity and vendor risk management solutions for
          there are many different, well-established ways to address   projects and portfolios at scale.
          that technically. Notwithstanding that fact, nearly all of those
          IT solution providers do not understand the technology or
          the culture of the building systems world—leaving the poten-
          tial for a misused or underused solution for remote access.

          Still the question remains: “What can go wrong if I estab-
          lish secure, remote access?”  Putting aside for a moment
          whether or not all contractors will adhere to the remote
          access procedures, the answer is most things that go
          wrong today in building systems are not related to the
          proverbial hacking. The cause of approximately 80% of all
          cyber-related incidents is human behavior (www.itgover-
 Hence, the number one cause of disruption in
          building systems is ransomware, followed by outdated soft-
          ware or firmware and then a variety of site-related problems
          caused by poor system configuration.We know multiple real
          estate organizations that have never been hacked but have
          been completely shut down by these other VRM issues.
          Additionally, a related and very common behavioral issue
          is that there are no current backups to restore with; and all
          backups from all systems are never in the same, validated
          place that lasts through contractor turnover.                • Smart Building Uses Cases
                                                                       • Cybersecurity Site Assessments
          With or without a remote access solution, if each system     • Vendor Risk Management
          has its own password complexity, proper configuration
          and recent backups they can survive a malicious attack     C ONSULTING ON OVER  BILLION IN NEW DEVEL OPMENT
                                                                       CUS TOMERS WITH OVER  BILLION SQU ARE FEET
          or sloppy mistakes. This is the essence of VRM—having
          a proper inventory, policy and policy compliance process   704.759.2700  |  Learn more
          for all systems and contractors. The policy and policy

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