Page 35 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 35

Everything is seamless, from the way   on their needs at any given time is   Microsoft is a very partner-focused
          you get to the campus (whether driv-  something that came out very quickly.   organization, and an important goal
          ing, carpooling or public transit) to   This is not purely about technology—  was determining how to engage the
          entering the building and accessing   it’s not about lights flashing and cam-  multiple partners: identifying their
          the services within it. That’s just one   eras going off—but allowing people to   strengths, mapping them within the
          example, and it extends to any campus   do what they want, where they want   whole build life cycle. It’s important to
          building and any connected activity,   so they can achieve more. This is   identify the various phases because
          whether it’s finding people, organizing   what a smart campus is all about.  you may have different partners if
                                                                                you are designing a building, building
                                                                                it, or managing it.

                                                                                What technology, automation
                                                                                or innovation trends do you see
                                                                                impacting corporate real estate
                                                                                the most?
                                                                                I think the ability to seamlessly unite
                                                                                dataflow across systems and subsys-
                                                                                tems is one of the largest enablers
                                                                                going forward. There has been mas-
                                                                                sive innovation with technology that
                                                                                goes into a building in areas like PoE,
                                                                                PoE++, mesh networks, visualization
                                                                                and simulation, devices, and sensors.
                                                                                If you look at technology areas such
                                                                                as computer vision, natural language
          Global Digital Transformation Team                                    processing, artificial intelligence,
                                                                                robotics; all have direct application to
          your day, eating, having quiet time or   What are your highest priority   enabling services in a building where
          physical activity. The goal is to create   technology initiatives for the    a person spends most of their time.
          a campus where you can be the most   next 12 months?                  As the individual systems start to get
          productive version of yourself while   Our biggest initiative is building a   better functionality, the ability to unite
          also maintaining a balance of physical   global platform on which we can inte-  dataflow will be crucial. No individual
          and emotional wellbeing. The beauty   grate and connect multiple disparate   supplier can work in a silo; all must
          of it is we can create a service that   building systems. The platform would   share and use data to deliver value.
          anybody can use anywhere in the    allow us to easily connect to any
          world—and they believe that service   building automation or subsystem,   Data collection is another area
          was specifically designed for them.  giving us seamless access to data to   because of the variety of standards
                                             drive intelligence of how that space   across the family of devices—which
          Were there any surprises as you    could be more effectively utilized.  are also evolving. In deciding how
          discovered which experiences                                          best to use sensors to support
          were important to people?          In addition to the global platform, a key   plug & play, to support varying data
          There definitely were. Some are obvi-  issue is the translation of the experi-  collection needs (while avoiding
          ous, for example, meeting rooms—we   ences and validating their business   duplication), we look at the best
          know employees want a seamless     and technical feasibility. This involves   way to collect this data. Should data
          experience where everything in that   identifying: 1) the hardware; 2) the   collection go through the lighting
          meeting works. But then you begin to   protocols and connectivity; 3) whether   fixture where we can set up a mesh
          think about unintentional meetings;   these experiences must be custom   network, or is there a better option?
          how do we create avenues so people   built; and 4) who in our partner eco-  There are companies that offer smart
          can bump into each other, enabling   system we should collaborate with.   glass, lights, infrastructure. Other
          different types of collaboration? How   There may be certain experiences that   vendors talk about connected assets,
          do we allow people to find a space   are dependent on devices or hardware   which can provide you the data you
          that suits productivity needs and gen-  that don’t exist in the market today; we   need. You also have 5G; how do we
          erates satisfaction? We discovered   let our partners know what is valuable   incorporate 5G in the services we’re
          it’s not about beautiful spaces. Giving   and what we need so that we can work   designing? All of these will affect
          users the flexibility to choose, based   on ideas and solutions together.  future buildings.

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