Page 25 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 25

Digital Twins are quickly being recognized as the most

                                          valuable part of a building tech stack—it is a comprehensive
                                          picture of your built environment in real-time.

          software has been to create a collaborative design and   will see use cases moving beyond just assets to include
          build process that visualizes the physical and functional   entire organizations or the Digital Twin of an Organization
          aspects of a building. With CAD capabilities, visualization in   (DTO). This means people, process, and behaviors will also
          the design and prototyping phase of a new build has been   be important data sources that give Digital Twins even
          essential for AECs to understand spatial relationships.   more context about the built environment. If trends in CRE
          Unlike a Digital Twin, this physical information model is   continue to gravitate towards understanding occupants
          tuned for buildings in flight, not ones occupied and utilized   and competing on workplace experience, the Digital Twin
          daily—generating data from new devices like IoT.     will certainly supersede BIM software even at the design
                                                               and build phase of an asset’s lifecycle.
          2) Not designed for real-time operational response
          Digital Twins are quickly being recognized as the most   As we begin to build things with people and flexibility in
          valuable part of a building tech stack—it is a comprehen-  mind, our building information models will also need to
          sive picture of your built environment in real-time. A Digital   evolve to include behavior patterns of people and space
          Twin can give you information about the current state   design that accommodates their wellness. Again, BIM
          of build subsystems, how they are being impacted by   alone cannot achieve these outcomes.
          occupant behavior when assets like HVAC or lighting might
          fail and much more. It is a model that evolves over time        Sandy Mangat is Director of Marketing at
          to deliver more value with each new stage of the asset’s        ThoughtWire, where she brings her passions for
          lifecycle. BIM is a key data input for any Digital Twin, but    data, IoT and complex digital transformation to
          BIM alone cannot answer the operational questions facility      her role leading its go-to-market strategy for the
          managers may have about optimizing operations.                  Toronto-based scale-up. She applies her expertise
                                                               in IoT, B2B, and SaaS product marketing to the organization as it
          3) It’s only focused on buildings—not people         scales its digital twin platform and OPM applications for real
          According to Gartner, the next evolution of the Digital Twin   estate and healthcare globally.

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