Page 26 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
P. 26
SPOTLIGHT: Cybersecurity
Co-Founder Co-Founder
Intelligent Buildings Intelligent Buildings
EFFECTIVE CYBERSECURITY MAY NOT be easy to does not create an unacceptable potential for business
implement, but you might agree by the end of this article disruption or a negative impact on business performance.
that it’s easy relative to the broader technology-related
problem in commercial real estate (CRE). In other words: Gartner intended this description for IT environments but
cybersecurity is only a subset of the real problem. our 15 years in the real estate technology space tells us
that this is even more applicable to real estate than it is to
For many years, all industries have struggled with IT-proper for the reasons outlined below.
traditional enterprise cybersecurity risks and the
consequences we read about in the headlines In larger portfolios, there are three things that any real
every day. As a result, there are many cybersecurity estate professional knows about vendors—particularly
solutions for traditional IT areas such as local area building systems contractors:
networking (LAN), remote access and information
security (infosec) in general. Although commercial 1. Fragmentation: There is tremendous fragmentation in
real estate is late to the game in most IT solution the number and type of contractors across the total
implementations, we do have the advantage of being building count.
able to pick and choose what is right for our portfolios
from established options. 2. Inconsistencies: The fragmentation creates indescrib-
able inconsistencies for system setup and configura-
If you have not already done so, in the near future, your tion, data back-ups and remote access.
real estate organization will either end up putting all
building control systems on your existing enterprise 3. Turnover: There is frequent turnover at all levels
network or providing a stand-alone, remote access and between contractors, building managers and
LAN solution for those building systems. For the latter, property managers.
it requires a much more simplified solution that not only
protects but is also cost-effective and easy to manage Fragmentation, inconsistencies and turnover at scale cre-
for the organization and the contractors using it. In short: ate chaos. This chaos tells us the real problem is VRM and
it needs to be an IT solution for a non-IT customer. dealing with dozens or even hundreds of different contrac-
tors. They not only have (or need) remote access but also
However, focusing on the remote access issue alone manage onsite, complex, digital building systems such
misses the real problem as it was dubbed in the first para- as HVAC, elevator, lighting, parking and metering. These
graph, which we call Vendor Risk Management (VRM). systems in buildings provide critical functions affecting
The 2019 Gartner Glossary states that VRM is: the life safety, experience, productivity, core network integrity,
process of ensuring that the use of service providers regulatory compliance and insurance exposure.