Page 8 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 8

Intelligent Buildings

          WHY THE ‘AS A SERVICE’



          VP, Solutions                                       With only a small portion of their abilities being utilized,
          CBRE|ESI                                            building automation systems are often quite unimpres-
                                                              sive when initially installed. Further, if replaced at end
          TODAY’S OPEN PROTOCOL building automation sys-      of life with an equivalent system (in-kind replacement),
          tems have the potential to make the ‘system of systems’   they continue to underwhelm observers, especially given
          within facilities operate                                                          the low returns on
          as a well-designed, tightly                                                        investment caused by
          integrated, ecosystem -                                                            in-kind replacements.
          the operative word here                                                            The low returns on
          being – potential. Only by                                                         in-kind replacements
          designing an intelligent,                                                          should be expected.
          service-based system to be                                                         After all, if the original
          implemented throughout                                                             system added little
          the full build process, will                                                       value, installing an
          success be attainable.                                                             exact replica can be
                                                                                             expected to do the
          Due to the way that                                                                same.
          automation systems are
          designed and procured                                                              Given the low rates
          both within the new con-                                                           of return on system
          struction process and when                                                         replacements for
          they are being replaced at                                                         these underutilized
          the end of their useful lives,                                                     systems at end of life,
          that potential is seldom actualized. These lost opportu-  one might ask why someone would bother to replace the
          nities to actualize the potential ‘intelligent building’ func-  automation system at all.
          tionality and value are primarily due to two things:
                                                              The short answer of course is that any building of signifi-
          •   The absence of a strong, well informed, BAS advocate   cant size really needs an automation system to operate in
             to make the connections between the building occu-  a manner that provides a comfortable and cost effective
             pant’s desires regarding the total building environment   work environment. The interactions between the various
             and the contributions of the Building Automation   elements of the HVAC system alone are so complex that
             System (BAS) to meeting those goals.             relying on manual interventions between a building opera-
                                                              tor(s) and these systems to maintain an acceptable work
          •   A value engineering process in the new construction   environment is simply not an option. If there were no
             environment, and an ‘in-kind’ replacement mentality   automation system in place, the physical building envi-
             during end of life replacements, that can transform   ronment would be uncontrollable, and the operating costs
             even a highly intelligent integrated systems design   would be far from optimal. Consequently, when the auto-
             concept into a simplistic design providing little beyond   mation system is at the end of its life something must
             automatic temperature control functionality in the   be done. If not, the potential for major building systems
             pursuit of low first costs.                      performance issues increase substantially.

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