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           Global Thought Leaders Present Innovation

          at the Smart Building Best Practice Showcase

     Hepta and Bedrock team up to                       Peña Station – The entire    Realcomm
     offer next-level enhancements for                  development is being built as a
     an unparalleled tenant experience.                 smart city showcase.

             The Smart Building Best Practice Showcase presents the world’s most
             successful implementations of smart buildings, campuses, and portfolios.
             These projects represent the future of real estate with their state of the art
             design, connectivity, systems integration and enhanced occupant experi-                Don’t miss
             ence.                                                                                   the 2018
                                                                                                Smart Building

             Now in its sixth year, the Showcase is part of the Realcomm | IBcon annual           Best Practice
             conference in June. Presented in an interactive format, project represen-              Showcase
                                                                                    Navigating Global CRE T
             tatives answer questions and share their successes and challenges, illus-
             trating their expertise in the newest technologies for operational efficiency,      REALCOMM | IBCON
             financial optimization, and the IT-enabled real estate enterprise.                        JUNE 7
                                                                                                Cosmopolitan Hotel of
             Past participants have included Google, Microsoft, Ford Land Energy, The                 Las Vegas
             Edge Deloitte HQ, the Dexus Portfolio, and over 250 other premier smart
             projects demonstrating leading design, deployment, and implementation.
             Thought leaders from all over the globe attend annually to share their
             insights and plans for the future.

                                                                                    echnology & Innovation

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