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                                             888 Boylston Street

                                             Located at Prudential Center in the heart of Boston’s vibrant Back Bay
                      888 Boylston Street    neighborhood, 888 Boylston Street is a 17-story mixed-use building con-
             Project Details
                      Boston Properties
             Number of Buildings: 1       Boston’s Most Sustainable Building
             Square Footage: 425,000
             Location: Boston, MA      Located at Prudential Center in the heart of Boston’s vibrant Back Bay neighborhood, 888   sisting of a three-story retail base, 14-story office tower and two levels of
             Project Status: Started  Boylston Street is a 17-story mixed-use building  consisting of a three-story retail base,
             Start date:   14-story office tower and two levels of subgrade parking. Focusing on “High Performance
             Target Completion date:       Design from the Inside Out,” 888 Bolyston promotes health, productivity, and a superior
             Primary Contact:   user experience. The project has been designed to optimize energy efficiency, and is
             Ben Myers  expected to operate 47% more efficiently than buildings of the same type in a similar   subgrade parking. Focusing on “High Performance Design from the Inside
     climate zone. Sustainability features include a dedicated outside air system with active
                      chilled beams, heat recovery, LED lighting, and rainwater harvesting. The roof and crown
             Jim Whalen  of the building accommodate solar photovoltaic panels and fourteen vertical axis wind
     turbines, which together produce enough power for 15 homes in Massachusetts. Living
                      walls and a green roof provide connections with nature and support a healthier urban
                      ecosystem at the Prudential Center.  Out,” 888 Bolyston promotes health, productivity, and a superior
                                             user experience. The project has been designed to optimize energy effi-
                                             ciency, and is expected to operate 47% more efficiently than buildings of
                                             the same type in a similar climate zone. Sustainability features include
             Goals:  Operations     Energy Efficiency     Sustainability     Tenant Experience     Financial Optimization
                                             a dedicated outside air system with active chilled beams, heat recovery,
             •  Procurement, installation and interconnection of the renewable energy system, solar photovoltaics,
             and vertical axis wind turbines
             •  Performing the necessary due diligence and execution of our first active chilled beam building, as
             opposed to a conventional variable air volume (VAV) system  LED lighting, and rainwater harvesting. The roof and crown of the build-
             •  Underwriting features like high performance glazing that increase construction costs
             •  We delivered the most sustainable building in Boston
             •  The green building features are a unique product identity that has been attractive to customers with   SHOWCASE SPONSORS:  ing accommodate solar photovoltaic panels and fourteen vertical axis
             a strong commitment to sustainability, and they provide measurable increases to standard returns
             •  Demonstrated our commitment to sustainable development as responsible stewards of the
             built environment
                                             wind turbines, which together produce enough power for 15 homes in
                                             Massachusetts. Living walls and a green roof provide connections with
                                             nature and support a healthier urban ecosystem. The high performance
                                             design strategy and green power commitment reduce annual carbon
                                             emissions by 96%.
                                             Stanford University
            CASESTUDY                        Stanford recently transformed its energy supply from a 100% fossil-fu-
                      Stanford’s Central Energy Optimization Software
             Project Details  Stanford University
             Number of Buildings: 155+       Transition to a Smart, Low Carbon Energy Supply Paradigm  el-based cogeneration plant to an electric grid-sourced, high efficiency
             Square Footage: 10 Million
             Location: Stanford, California      Stanford recently transformed its energy supply from a 100% fossil-fuel-based cogeneration
                      plant to an electric grid-sourced, high efficiency heat recovery system. At the heart of the
             Project Status: Ongoing  system are three Heat Recovery Chillers (HRC) that concurrently generate district cooling
             Start date: 2012  and heating along with three large thermal energy storage tanks. Balancing equipment run
             Target Completion date: 2015  time, optimizing energy efficiency, and minimizing operating costs is a complex challenge,   heat recovery system. At the heart of the system are three Heat Recovery
             Primary Contact:   made  manageable  through  a  Model  Predictive  Control  system  developed  by  Stanford
             Gerry Hamilton    known as the Central Energy Plant Optimization Model (CEPOM). Under direction from
     Stanford, CEPOM was adapted for industrial use and incorporated into Stanford’s new
                      central energy facility (CEF) control system by Johnson Controls Inc., naming the updated
                      software  program  the  Enterprise  Optimization  Solution  (EOS). The  system  predicts  the
                      university’s background energy use profile for the next seven days and schedules CEF   Chillers (HRC) that concurrently generate district cooling and heating
                      operations to most effectively meet those loads. EOS performs this forward looking analysis
                      and recalibrates operating schedules as needed every 15 minutes, enabling the CEF to
                      virtually run itself.
                                             along with three large thermal energy storage tanks. Balancing equipment
                                             run time, optimizing energy efficiency, and minimizing operating costs
                                             is a complex challenge, made manageable through a Model Predictive
             Goals:  Operations     Energy Efficiency     Sustainability     Tenant Experience     Financial Optimization
                                             Control system developed by Stanford known as the Central Energy Plant
             •  Building a Central Energy Facility that could match in practice the efficiencies and cost savings proven in theory
             •  Upsize existing HRC technologies to meet Stanford’s loads while incorporating sufficient monitoring and controls to    Optimization Model (CEPOM). Under direction from Stanford, CEPOM was
             ensure reliability levels needed for major research laboratories and hospitals
             •  Finding a CEF controls optimization software package that had the smarts to achieve peak efficiency while also
             ensuring all critical loads were reliably met
             •  Stanford developed and patented a new plant operating system to continuously model CEF   adapted for industrial use and incorporated into Stanford’s new central
             performance, expected loads, and forecasted energy rates to ensure optimum system performance
             •  All CEF operating data and building utility interface data is compiled in a new process data historian for   SHOWCASE SPONSORS:
             ease of monitoring and availability for third party analytics applications
             •  EOS enables the CEF to achieve the university’s goals of 68% reduction in GHG emissions, 50%
             reduction in energy consumption, and 15% reduction in water use  energy facility (CEF) control system by Johnson Controls Inc., naming the
             •  EOS is an energy modeling and dispatch system that uses over 1,220 variables to develop 15-minute
             dispatches that show the optimal way to run the CEF
                                             updated software program the Enterprise Optimization Solution (EOS). The
                                             system predicts the university’s background energy use profile for the next
                                             seven days and schedules CEF operations to most effectively meet those
                                             loads. EOS performs this forward looking analysis and recalibrates oper-
                                             ating schedules as needed every 15 minutes, enabling the CEF to virtually
                                             run itself.
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