Page 13 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 13

Chung: I was fortunate to come in when I did and put a very mod-         Realcomm: Your companies seem pretty progressive. In your
   ern IT strategy in place. This included using the cloud, which           opinion, what differentiates those that are and those that
   I’ve mentioned. It’s interesting, I fully expected to have a hybrid      are not?
   environment; I didn’t think we’d be able to go completely to the
   cloud, but we were. This enabled the ability to be BYOD, which        Chung: Strong leadership is very important; so is a strong, profit-
   enabled mobility and also positioned us for the BIoTTM. When it          able business plan and growth strategy. This allows a growing
   comes to technology, I believe your overall strategy needs to be         organization to be more offense-minded, especially as it
   relatively fluid. Things are changing rapidly, so you can’t look too     relates to technology. It helps to have a culture that supports
   far down the road. We know where we want to get to, but are              decision making at all levels and fosters support and interac-
   not tethered to exactly how we get there.                                tion between departments. Communication is key. A relatively
                                                                            flat hierarchy, strong organizational strategies, fitting people
Realcomm: We’ve talked to a lot of people and most agree we                 into the right roles, support for upward mobility, mentorship
   have pretty much all the technologies necessary now to                   programs, these are all differentiators.
   manage and operate our companies most efficiently. Tell
   us how you’ve seen things change in your organization                 Segal: The team is the most important thing, hands-down.
   because of technology.                                                   We have a group of people who understand the benefits of
                                                                            technology and are actively involved in the decision-making
Segal: Our serious focus on technology has allowed us to do                 process. We have many, and regular, productive conversations
   things we couldn’t otherwise have done. For example, we                  about what to build, what to buy, and how to measure suc-
   have tripled in size in the last four years; we certainly could not      cess. Sometimes prioritizing is a challenge, but those healthy
   have managed that kind of growth without the technology                  conversations among passionate team members are critical
   platforms that we’ve developed. The information and analytics            for buy-in.
   our systems provide allowed us to manage and efficiently                    In a larger sense, I see four factors that determine how
   allocate our focus (be it time, people, or budget) to success-           progressive a company can be. Two of them have to do with
   fully accomplish this growth. We refer to this shift as the move         structure: decision making structure and financial structure.
   from “management by walking around” to “management by                    Decision making structure means you have a manageable
   exception,” in that it allows us to identify positive and negative
   exceptions based on information, rather than by trying to see
   everything in person, all the time. Of course technology will
   never replace boots on the ground, but it has played a critical
   part in changing and growing our organization. As to the
   notion that we have everything we need, we occasionally feel
   overwhelmed with opportunities, and sometimes we slow
   down to absorb new tools, but in our culture the day we stop
   innovating is the day we start falling behind.

Chung: Because we are a REIT, reporting is a big thing for us.
   With the new data warehousing system we’ve put in place,
   we’ve been able to improve the delivery of information
   needed by our senior management team as well as operations,
   accounting and even leasing. They now have flexibility in
   how they visualize information and can integrate it with
   other systems to create new reports. One of our technology
   goals was to reduce turnaround time for different reporting
   and visualization to just two days. We now have the tools to
   implement specific metrics tied to the delivery because of this
      We’ve also begun intensifying the buildings we own and
   technology is front and center in those plans. Many are in
   large urban centers, like Toronto, Calgary, Montreal and are
   zoned to develop on top of, creating more density. We’re
   just about to complete our first intensification project here
   in Toronto, which is about 400,000 square feet. And we’ve
   got plans for three more, two of which are around the
   million sq. ft. range.

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