Page 12 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 12

One of the things that attracted me to the role was it report-         My original mandate was purely the corporate IT compo-
ed directly to the CEO; I had always reported up into finance.        nent of things; the back office stuff. That expanded to cover
This reporting structure spoke of the importance they placed          all of technology, which includes the technology within our
on technology as part of or enabling their strategic goals. This      buildings as well. If it’s IP enabled, it falls under my mandate. On
was also new thinking for them; my predecessor had reported           the horizon I see our emphasis being on the Internet of Things
into finance.                                                         (IoT), or as Realcomm has coined, the BUILDING Internet of
                                                                      Things (BIoTTM); implementing smart building systems that will
  My roadmap was approved immediately. Since then we’ve               improve the operations and efficiency of the 140 buildings in
completed several key augmentation projects to various back           our portfolio.
office systems. We’ve also improved the availability of data
through the implementation of a data warehouse. With a             Realcomm: How has the Cloud, BYOD and the Internet of Things
technology partner, we created a lease abstraction engine that        (IoT) impacted your original strategy?
can automatically infer the meaning of lease clauses. But the
biggest project was moving our entire data center to the cloud.    Segal: The strategy of delivering actionable information to users in
This positioned us to restructure support and management              a convenient format has not changed at all. For Boxer, cloud, mo-
of all the various servers and applications that used to run the      bility, and IoT represent more tactical opportunities to continually
business on premises, things like our exchange server, file and       improve our systems. Mobility is a great example. Since we had
print servers, MRI ( ERP), CRM etc., Now, instead of buying serv-     already developed some sophistication with respect to working
ers, we buy computing power as required in monthly, daily or          with enterprise data, repackaging that information for a mobile
hourly increments. We are able to ramp up on particular points        platform was a relatively straightforward process. We deployed
in a quarter when we’re doing reporting, then as that compute         smartphones to everyone in our company, and tablets to those
requirement goes down, we ramp it down. This allowed us to            involved in certain activities, like managers, leasing agents, and
reduce costs associated with capital provisioning, managing           quality inspectors. We have also redesigned applications using
and running our own network and server environment. It’s              responsive frameworks, basically taking existing information and
really nice not having to worry about keeping up with the latest      systems and changing the presentation layer. While these itera-
and greatest server technology; I just manage the compute to          tions do not change the basic strategy, they are game-changers
our SLA (Service Level Agreement).                                    for user experience.


Building Operation & Information Platform

Manage and operate your facilities smarter, safer,

more efficiently and at peak performance levels.

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