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Demand is high in markets with concentrations of
                                                     knowledge workers—especially information technology
                                                    but also new media or industries such as biotechnology
                                                      and telecommunications—that are friendly to startups.

                •  Less commuting, as workers attempt to avoid long   Demand is also higher in metros where space is at a
                  commutes for quality-of-life and environmental rea-  premium, such as Manhattan, San Francisco and Los
                  sons.                                              Angeles.

                •  Desire for a relaxed environment. Coworking provides a   Coworking has proliferated more in cities, with leases
                  social work environment that is attractive, particularly   encompassing 1.4% of urban office space and 0.9%
                  to millennials. Community-oriented features include   of suburban office space. Few people commute long
                  food and drink, presentations from local restaurants or   distances to coworking sites, urban areas have more
                  farms, exercise facilities and social activities.  workers, startups proliferate more in cities, and the social
                                                                     elements of coworking are more in tune with the urban
                •  Cost-cutting. As office rents continue to rise, especially   environment.
                  in city centers, companies try to reduce their footprint.
                                                                     That said, coworking is gaining traction in suburban
                •  Large corporations that represent a growing segment of   areas, and the model that attracts users with extra ame-
                  coworking demand. While coworking will never replace   nities, a connection to other small tenants and a fun
                  all or even most of the space leased by large compa-  environment could prove attractive to suburban office
                  nies, employers do enjoy the flexibility that comes with   tenants.
                  having coworking space.
                                                                     Coworking provides a service in line with the direction
                •  Tax laws. Federal Accounting Standards Board rules   businesses are moving. It gives tenants flexibility and
                  also may play a role. Starting in 2019, corporations   provides attractive space for young workers and the
                  must treat lease obligations as debt on their balance   growing number of self-employed and remote employ-
                  sheets, which gives incentive to avoid long-term leases.  ees. The number of locations and total space dedicated
                                                                     to coworking is impressive, given the industry’s youth.
                Coworking does carry some risks, including maintaining   Over time, the industry is likely to develop its model to
                revenue during a downturn, the possibility of short-term   survive recessions and changes in business operational
                leases cutting against the industry and the barriers to   trends.
                entry to compete. However, it provides a partial solution
                for the growing number of entrepreneurial and remote   The full Yardi Matrix report, “Shared Space: Coworking’s Rising
                employees, can help attract talent and improve work   Star,” is available for download at:
                satisfaction, and enable companies to reduce long-term   Publications.
                fixed costs associated with leasing commercial real
                estate.                                                         Paul Fiorilla is associate director of research for
                                                                                Yardi  Matrix, the data division of Yardi. Before
                Evolving Trends                                                 joining Yardi in January 2015, he worked nearly
                Demand seems to be based on a couple of main fac-               six years as an investment vice president in the
                tors. One is the type of industries that proliferate in a       research group of Prudential Real Estate Investors
                metro. Demand is high in markets with concentrations of   (now PGIM), overseeing publishing of the firm’s outlooks and white
                knowledge workers—especially information technology   papers. Paul is also editor-in-chief of CRE Finance World
                but also new media or industries such as biotechnology   magazine, which is published twice a year by Washington,DC-
                and telecommunications—that are friendly to startups.   based trade group CRE Finance Council.


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