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consumer choice (no lock-in); plug and play replacement
of components at any level; and future proof durable sys-
tems with software that can be remotely upgraded.
A new class of BIoT systems that work within the com-
plex framework of open systems, open protocols, multiple
applications, and building instrumentation is emerging.
These are devices that understand the language of the
internet, have local data repositories for aggregation
which are self-describing, include a level of edge comput-
ing, adhere to open semantic models, and can commu-
nicate securely via WAN or LAN or Building Automation
Such BIoT devices will act as service delivery platforms
with multiple levels of permission and authentication.
Figure 2: BIoT system, where information flows freely They will be able to run applications, such as gateway
from the instrumentation layer to the application layer
and beyond—open for consumption by service agents in software, and may even perform functions like building
the cloud services metering or monitoring. They will be able to
integrate with other devices, or, alternatively, stand alone
with instrumentation directly or wirelessly tethered. They
tional and efficiency benefits of the IoT (open systems will be able to communicate with legacy management
and cloud-based applications). platforms (even local Building Management Systems) but
they will be designed to be fully accredited citizens of the
Combining Building Information Model (BIM) style cloud-centric Big Data world, because that’s where the
abstractions (data semantics and tagging) with system future is.
and instrument permission controls creates a control
point where any stakeholder and any cloud-based system Gordon Echlin is Vice President Marketing and
can be given access to building system data sets. These Business Development for Triacta Power Solutions
data sets can then be accessed from cloud applications LP, where he has been a management team member
over rich web-services APIs (e.g. a JSON RESTful API since 2009. Prior to Triacta, Gordon was a partner
with a Project Haystack tag model) or any other building for a boutique venture capital firm, Venture Coaches,
semantic/communication model. and also started a telematics company, Netistix Technologies.
Gordon is a Computer Scientist and technologist by education, and
Using these standards models, information can flow freely prior to Netistix worked in technical, management and sales roles in
from the instrumentation layer to the application layer and Mitel Corporation, Newbridge Corporation and several small
beyond for Big Data correlation—open for consumption by startups.
service agents in the cloud. This approach delivers all the
benefits of cloud computing, but allows for adherence to
the rules for interaction required by complex buildings. RELEVANT LINKS
BENEFITS ALL ROUND “ASHRAE Standard 223P to Integrate Haystack tagging and Brick
data modelling,”
The benefits to property managers and building owners
of delivering the IoT model via a standards-based BIoT “BAS Industry Collaborates On Semantics,” Theresa Sullivan, A New
Deal for Buildings
gateway are huge, including; making the right information
available to the right people, at the right time; gaining 1 Young, Jim. “BIoT–BUILDING Internet of Things,” www.
unobstructed access to new and emerging energy man-, Realcomm, 23 Jan. 2014,
agement and building control applications (commensu- advisory/621/1/biot-building-internet-of-things.
rate with the Big Data promise); vendor independence and
RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd 9 10/4/18 3:00 PM