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A methodology that includes structured discovery, a
comprehensive yet efficient vetting process, a testing
mechanism, execution capabilities and an ongoing
support infrastructure is what you can expect to see
at the most progressive organizations.
adopted this comprehensive and sophisticated approach, Machine Learning, Autonomous, Immersive, and Robotics.
but that number is growing. Perhaps most significantly for our industry, we will exam-
ine the ever-increasing level of complexity of the real estate
At our Fall event, CoRE Tech, which is focused on Tech- information management systems that help to efficiently
nology, Automation and Innovation for the Corporate Real and effectively operate our corporate real estate facilities.
Estate and Facilities industry—to be held November 14-16
in Silicon Valley—we will continue our strategy of an accel- We would like to thank you for your continued interest in
erated yet measured approach to better understanding the the RealcommEDGE magazine and our other efforts to
opportunities for improvement to our business. We will help you better understand and navigate the ever-chang-
cover developing themes such as Smaller and Smarter, ing world of technology, automation and innovation for
Densification, continued Mobility, Occupant Experience Commercial and Corporate Real Estate. Hold on and stay
Platforms, Analytics, Smart Connected Buildings, and steady as we continue to seek solutions and master the
more. We will discuss important emerging tech such as AI, impacts that technology is having on our industry!
Are You Ready For What’s Next?
RC18-EDGE FALL Layout + Mktplce - FINAL.indd 5 10/4/18 3:00 PM