Page 55 - RC18-EDGE Spring.FINAL
P. 55

be amenable to the type of engineering detail applicable   Constructing buildings is a well-known and understood
          to more conventional facilities projects such as system   practice based on scientific principles.
          repair or replacement, modification of control sequences
          and the like. But to get there we need to explore our data   Using data to gain insight into building system opera-
          first.                                              tion and performance, however, requires a willingness
                                                              to assess, evaluate and fund projects that start with
          Analytics Is a Journey                              an exploration of data to identify the value it contains.
          Another important factor is that achieving benefits   The right evaluation processes and metrics need to be
          requires action to address findings. It should not be   applied for organizations to make analytics a part of
          viewed as an ‘install it and forget it’ investment. Buildings   their facility management processes.
          change, equipment systems degrade, old issues reoccur,
          new issues appear, in short, buildings are dynamic and          John Petze is a partner and Co-Founder at
          ‘stuff happens’.                                                SkyFoundry, the developers of SkySpark™, an
                                                                          analytics platform for building, energy and
          Ongoing analytics of building systems catches deficien-         equipment data. John has over 35 years of
          cies and faults to inform operators how their systems are       experience in building automation, energy
          really performing – not how they hope they are perform-  management and M2M, having served in senior level positions
          ing. Operators have actionable information needed to   for manufacturers of hardware and software products
          continuously manage assets and reduce operating costs;   including: President & CEO of Tridium, VP Product Development
          but there must be a plan to react to findings.      for Andover Controls, and Global Director of Sales for Cisco
                                                              Systems Smart and Connected Buildings group. At SkyFoundry
          Conclusion                                          he helps owners take advantage of advanced operational
          You wouldn’t build a new building without fully engi-  analytics to create truly intelligent and efficient buildings.
          neering all of the details of the design and construction.

                  The Voice of Your Equipment

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                   Providing complete, real time insight

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                   To learn more visit us at BOOTH #605


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