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our leasing agents’ activities Data integration also
in one place,” said John D. allows better collaboration
Cico, director of accounting, with external partners such
revenue management and as brokers. Asset owners and
IT for Pyramid. “We can now managers often are starved
easily call up the entire history for information on vacant
of negotiations as well as space such as the numbers
their current state. Rather of shows completed and
than combing through old deals on the table, what
emails, filing cabinets, and prospects like or dislike about
other places that might have the space, and the likelihood
folks tearing their hair out, that a space will close soon.
leasing agents can more However, landlords typically
easily search and access the have to wait until the end of
information they need from the month to receive informa-
just about anywhere, anytime. tion that affects their deal
Our leasing agents can set pipeline for each available
up tenants and prospects as space from their external
contacts and leads, and management can review each agent’s brokers. Allowing brokers access to an owner’s CRM system de-
priorities on a daily basis. The integration gives everybody livers a more timely deal pipeline, which is useful for forecasting
involved in signing leases access to records about how lease and budgeting and saves time preparing pipeline reports. The
terms might have changed between the time the LOI was shared workflow also enables real-time notification of activity on
executed to the actual signing.” a space, allowing fast deal approvals.
Prospects and tenants are on the move, every day, and a CRM
He added, “We have real estate committee meetings six system that integrates with a property management system
mornings a week that involve virtually every area of the compa- gives rent rolls, upcoming vacancies, contact information for
ny. We’re confident that our CRM system will significantly reduce prospects whose requirements match the property, and other
the time required to prepare a deal presentation, so there’s a vital information to anybody who needs it to move a deal
real time savings in addition to the efficiency and convenience. along—including, but not limited to, leasing agents and brokers.
Finding a better way of gathering and distributing information Making that system mobile-enabled lets leasing agents and asset
across the organization will be critical to our success in creating managers take their leasing activities on the road. Pyramid and
the shopping centers of the future.” other companies are learning that these advantages translate
into new efficiencies, time savings, higher revenue, and strategic
Data Integration business opportunities.
A key benefit of making complete leasing, prospect and
property management information available in one system is Robert Teel oversees the product direction and development of
the accommodation of both the internal and external leasing Yardi’s investment management, global, and commercial product
process in a single pipeline. Internal leasing agents can easily see lines. Previously, he was a consulting manager for Accenture in
which leases are set for expiration and their completed deals are the ERP (PeopleSoft) and business process outsourcing market
easily passed to the property management staff. Asset managers, sectors. Teel holds B.A. degrees in Management Information
in turn, can track the leasing agents’ progress. All of this results in Systems and Finance from Florida State University.
a more efficient workforce and less vacant space.