Page 16 - RC19 RealcommEDGE 2019 Fall Issue
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• Interoperable solutions. New partnerships among These approaches must be driven and coordinated
infrastructure and application vendors will enable from the top, but implemented by cooperative teams.
customers to buy “out of the box” solutions, pre- Stakeholders include IT, Corporate Real Estate, building
integrated and configured, with associated installation owners and managers, senior management, security
and post-installation support. and compliance, and end users. These groups need to
• Better utilization of data. AI and other techniques collaborate proactively to ensure success.
are increasingly used to gather and analyze the river
of data from IoT and other systems to provide much Complexity and cost are inevitable in the early stages of a
better quantitative metrics as well as detect and generational change. However, the maturing capabilities
counter security threats. of the technologies involved, the opportunity to adapt
organizations and processes through digital transformation,
Benchmarking and Ecosystems Also Can Help and the many benefits weigh in favor of continuing
It always pays to work closely with best-of-breed momentum and success for the Smart Digital Workplace.
technology organizations, real estate managers
and operators, and customers who are advancing Aruba’s Santa Clara headquarters will be part of the Tech
the Smart Digital Workplace. We have found that Tours offered at CoRE Tech 2019 in Silicon Valley on
creating this type of ecosystem and participating in November 13-15. The headquarters is a living lab, where
the resulting community helps us to optimize our own they are utilizing digital workplace tools and continually
SDW, advance the state of the art, and better serve innovating and testing new solutions. This facility
our customers. This approach—benchmarking thought features pervasive Wi-Fi, flexible workspaces, indoor
and implementation leadership, and participating in a location services, and inventive integrations with an ever-
community—can help you to build a successful SDW growing ecosystem of building IoT solutions.
for your organization.
As a Senior Strategist for Aruba, Chris Fine is
The Bottom Line focused on the company’s Smart Digital Work-
Strategically-focused organizations that want to optimize place initiative. The Smart Digital Workplace
the growth and effectiveness of the SDW recognize that combines Aruba’s industry-leading networking
multiple stakeholders need to combine their skills, remits technology and a growing ecosystem of partners
and budgets to implement integrated, secure solutions in technology, real estate, smart furniture, and other specialties to
rather than separate point products. drive the growth of new experiences for end users and managers in
the next gen Smart Office.