Page 7 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 7

microphone to enable voice control of the device (think   since 2009) and their massive video surveillance system
          Alexa or Siri “lights on”), connected to the network for   (which is expected to reach over 600,000,000 cameras
          data analysis and control. Now imagine a breach of   by this year) demonstrates a level of system integration,
          this microphone during an important board meeting,   connectivity, data collection, analysis and action never
          revealing confidential information to the intruder.    before seen in the history of the world.
          Further, imagine a microphone, camera and/or sensor
          being present in every light fixture throughout the   In this dystopian system based on real-time collection of
          building, as well as every computer, photocopier,    data, possibilities include:
          thermostat, door lock and other building systems. Then
          add to this scenario: a gigantic data depository with AI   •  Surveillance showing too much drinking with friends
          and machine learning working at the edge and a data      could result in a lower score which would deny
          warehouse—and the potential for misconduct grows.        access to certain forms of transportation
          Given the amount of time most working adults spend
          inside office buildings, the opportunity for a massive   •  Jaywalking could result in a digital display of the
          surveillance state becomes a possible outcome.           offender’s face on a public monitor

          A more current example related to COVID-19 are the     •  An app that shows the social credit score of people
          health scanners at building entrances. These gather not    in close proximity which results in new forms of
          only temperature, but heartrate, blood pressure and other    social judgement and interaction
          health related data points that are then integrated into
          a network, basically giving someone a physical every   •  Contact tracing in countries without stringent
          time they walk through a connected doorway. This has      governance means the data could be misused
          massive implications for the HIPPA Privacy Rule and
          could be misused by insurance companies and anyone   In one extreme case, individuals are required to walk
          associated with the healthcare system.               through facial recognition scanners to enter a market.
                                                               The question for building owners in China is whether
          This Orwellian nightmare is not only found in an episode   or not this surveillance state will continue inside
          of Netflix’s Black Mirror but is being built in China as we   the building. Tencent, a major tech firm in China,
          speak. The combination of the Chinese Social Credit   uses facial recognition for employees to access an
          Scoring system (which has been under development     elevator and pay for lunch. Is this data connected to

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