Page 52 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 52

continued from page 23                                                      Editor’s Note: Drones in Commercial and Corporate Real Estate will be
up the escalator and into the retail promenade. The high-resolution video   showcased at the annual Realcomm | IBcon event this June. Learn more about this
is smooth, seamless, and offers visual perspectives never before possible.  topic, commercial drone manufacturers and service providers, as well as innovative
                                                                            real estate firms who have either deployed drones in their operations or are seriously
   With marketing leading the way, this visual aspect has been the first    considering this new opportunity. There will be a Drone Demonstration Area
to be embraced, but many areas of real estate operations could be           where attendees can see the technology firsthand and talk to others interested in
enhanced. Applications for building inspections and security response       understanding how SUAVs can be effectively used in our industry.
are also being considered, as companies seek new ways to save time,
cost, and manpower in these areas.                                          1 	 Hu, Winnie. “Still Unconvinced, Home Buyer? Check Out the View from
                                                                               the Drone.”The New York Times, 23 Dec. 2013. Web 31 Mar. 2014; nyti.
   While the FAA is appealing the decision of the NTSB, this technology is     ms/1ijhvWM
likely here to stay and may soon be considered just another business tool.
                                                                            2 	 Amazon Prime Air Video;
                                                                            3 	 O’Connor, Lydia. “Drugstore Delivery Drones Are Coming To San

                                                                            	 The Huffington Post, 18 Mar. 2014. Web 31 Mar. 2014;

                                                                            4 	 Gallagher, Sean. “China Hunts Polluters with Drones.”,

                                                                               Conde Nast. 20 Mar. 2014. Web 31 Mar. 2014;
                                                                            5 	 McDuffee, Allen. “Dirigible Drones Will Watch the World From 13 Miles
                                                                               Up.”, Conde Nast. 20 Mar. 2014. Web 31 Mar. 2014; www.
                                                                            6 	 Walker, Mason. “Oregon Company Nabs Funding for Water-Saving
                                                                               Farm Drones.”, American City Business
                                                                               Journals. 20 Mar. 2014. Web 31 Mar. 2014; sustainablebusinessoregon.

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